The Accident

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I gasp, and Alex rushes to explain. "the last time I was here, this field was full of beautiful red roses. i thought maybe you could relate to them." He blushes and looks to the ground. I wonder who's more uncomfortable, me or him.

"Honestly, luv, I had no idea that this had happened. I wouldn't have brought you if I knew." He was just mumbling. "Really, I am a stupid person." 

I was overcome with desire so much that before I knew it, I was in his arms and we were kissing. He was startled at first, but then he put his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and the kiss deepened. But before it could go any farther, the rain picked up. I smiled against his lips. 

We broke apart and stared up at the sky. Something wasn't right. The rain... it felt... Hot. Alex seemed to realize the truth when I did. We both realized that we were caught in what California is infamous for... Acid Rain Storms.

We were running, I was screaming, for I could feel the rain getting into my bloodstream. Pretty soon, I would black out. Nobody knows what happens after that. I remember one time in my Heath class, Mrs. Barkley was explaining what happens. 

"First, you'll start to feel drowsy. That means that the rain is in your blood stream. then, your head will fog up and you wont be able to think or see strait. That means that the rain has succesfully blocked signals to and from your brain. Then you black out." 

I raised my hand. "What happens next?"

Concern clouded her face, "Well, nobody knows, but lets just say that people who do end up in a storm never come back. They're either dead or majorly changed." She shuddered. 


"Scarlet?" A weak voice called me back from dreamland. 

"Alex? Are you okay?" I open my eyes and find myself lying in a wasteland, the distant sound of ambulances coming closer.

He crawled over to me, and carefully inspected me to make sure I was fine. Then he sighs with relief and runs his hand through his beautiful golden hair. He lays down next to me and we stay like that until the ambulence comes and picks us up, news reporters reporting live. They start to take Alex into another ambulance but I yell, "Alex!! No!" They stop and stare at me; an injured girl who's crazy. "Don't leave me." i choke out. 

He smiles sadly at me, "Never" and that's when I black out. 


"Scarlet? Scarlet, sweetie can you hear me?" I come to and I can hear voices, but they're jumbled together. The only thing I can remember is a name, Alex

"Alex?!" My eyes fly open and I sit up alarmingly fast. The people sitting around me jump up, some are even in tears, but I don't care. I have to get to him, i have to get to Alex. 

"Alex!!!" I start to tear out my tubes while screaming his name. The people come closer, whispering words to soothe me. As if that's gonna work. I jump out of bed and a lady walks up to me.

"Scarlet, hon, I think you should get back in bed." She said, sounding calm, but her eyes are filled with worry and panic.

"I need to get to Alex" I say, and push her aside. She flies across the room. 

Huh. i don't remember being so strong. But I dismiss the thought. The other people in the room start to back away, one , a man, pushes a button to call the nurse. 

"NO!!!" I scream and push open the door into the hallway. Nothing will keep me from him. I'm starting down the hallway when I hear, "Scarlet? Thank God you're okay, luv!"

I turn and run into Alex's open arms. When I touch him, the memories rush back to me. I start to sob as he strokes my hair. 

"Oh My God." I'm stunned remebering something

He looks at me with concern. "What is it, luv?" 

"I just threw my mom across the room!" I say, too shocked to say anything else as I run back into my room, Alex right behind me.

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