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"Scarlet? Hello? Anybody in there?" I groggily raise my head. I see Jasper standing there, dressed in his usual attire, leaning against the wall. When he sees that I'm awake, he smiles and comes closer. "The doctor wants to see you in her office for therapy." He undoes my restraints and helps me into a wheelchair.

I think about making a break for it, but then Jasper laughs and says, "Sorry, but I have to tie you down until security doesn't think that you're going to explode the building." When I don't laugh at his weak attempt at humor, Jasper clears his throat and cuffs me to the wheelchair.

I glare at him but he's avoiding my gaze. He wheels me through the double doors and instantly I'm hit with nausea and black spots dot the corner of my vision. I slump forward in my chair and try to block out all the energy that's coursing through me. I look up and meet eyes with a lady who seems to be on her way to visit someone. Instantly, I see what she sees, a dirty, gross psycho who has the potential to kill her. I hear what she hears, I do what she does. A new gift. A new talent. A new horror.

I'm still in the lady's body as Jasper slides me through giant metal double doors. Instantly, all the energy is gone and I find myself, once again, in my own body. I take in my surroundings as Jasper attaches the wheelchair to the floor.

He bids me good luck and leaves me, strapped to a chair, and wondering if maybe this is the end for me. I stare at my shoes until I hear the door open, close and lock. I look up when a middle-ages woman says my name. When I don't respond she asks, "Can you hear me Scarlet?" She looks genuinely concerned. I almost laugh out loud.

"I'm not deaf, lady." I say meeting her eyes. I'd think that that would make her uncomfortable, but she only sighs and looks down at her desk. She ruffles through her drawers until she finds my folder. She asks me some questions but I only nod occasionally or shrug.

"Well, this is getting nowhere. Can I leave now?" I ask, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice. I didn't hide it enough, because she raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"What, am I making you uncomfortable?" She leans in. "We're not done until I say we're done." She sits back and writes some stuff down on her clip-board. I wish I could see what she was writing.

Then an idea pops into my head. I can!! Duh! I think as I concentrate on entering her mind. When she looks up and we make eye contact, I suddenly see what she was writing.

Patient 446 responds negative to most questions or refuses to answer. Does not show signs of possession abilities or other magical powers. Henceforth, patient 446 will spend two weeks in solitary confinement as punishment for not cooperating. On Wednesday, the subject will be brought to the Chamber 997. We will see if she responds then

~ Carly J. Wilson

"Oh" I think, and instantly wish to take it back. She obviously heard it.

She gasps, throwing me from her mind and she falls out of her chair. I smile. She felt me. She stands up and throws me a fearful glance. She presses a button on her phone with shaky hands and turns her back so I can't read her lips.

I try to enter her mind again, but there are walls blocking me. I try and push forward, but I'm stopped. The door opens and multiple footfalls come in. I glance up and see Brett, his face showing concern and most of all - pity. He leaves me and walks over to Dr. Wilson to see if she's okay. I clench my teeth and stare at my lap.

I see the doctor first. He looks to out of place in a room of security guards. Then I notice what he's holding. A needle. But this time, instead of clear liquid, the liquid is bright red. I swallow. The doctor comes closer. I scream and wail, but then a guard clamps a hand over my mouth. I watch on - helpless as the needle inserts my arm.

Instantly, I feel a rush of ice cold spread through my body, locking me in place. I can feel the ice chilling my blood, and I look down at my hand, which is shaking. It's turning blue. I panicky look at Brett. The look he gives me back is one that says "Well, it's your fault" And he turns to look out the window.

Before the ice can get to my face, I choke out, "I hate you. I hate you all." And with that, I am submerged into the icy realm.

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