The Monster

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After apologizing many times to my mom, and insuring that I didn't hurt anybody else, I finally was coaxed to sleep by Alex, who hadn't left my side since my break down. My family was very wary about him, and I saw my dad sizing him up. I could tell they disapproved, but I didn't care. The only thing that would stand between me and him is that we both got caught in an acid rain storm, and now we're both considered to be "damaged" 

When I wake up, I have a moment of panic because I can't find Alex, but then I see him standing by the window. I take a moment to look at him. I mean - really look at him. He's standing so that at first glance, you'd think he was casual, but there was a certain look about him that told me other wise.

I sighed and he turned around, startled at first, but then a cool, easy smile stretched it's way across his face. 

"Hey" he said, looking at me with such an intensity that would usually make me squirm, but for some reason, it comforted me. 

"Hi." I say, and scoot over to make him room next to me on the bed. He comes and sits next to me, careful not to touch my broken arm. He slides his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him. He smells so nice, so fresh that I take it in all at once.

But then something weird happens. I start to see images flashing before my eyes. They're going fast, and I can't make sense of them, but then it slows down - and I gasp. I look up at Alex with horror and a concerned expression crosses his face. I can tell that he's talking to me, yelling even, but I can't hear a word. The only thing that flashes through my brain is the vision.

It appears that Alex is yelling, because my family and the nurse run in. My father is in outrage, apparently blaming Alex for this. My mom is stroking my face. I can feel the tears streaming down my face, and then the last thing I see before blacking out is my father swinging a punch right at Alex's face.


I wake into consciousness to find myself alone, yet I feel a strange presence in the room. I look around. The room is bleached white, no color. Even my hospital garbs are so white that it blinds me to look at them I try and sit up, but I've been restrained to the bed. I struggle, and then I hear the click of a lock and the door opens. 

A lady walks in. She is wearing all red, her hair in a tight bun, and a smile on her face, but I can tell that it's fake. Her eyes have dark circles around them, that show through even though she applied many layers of foundation. She notices my curious glance and her smile falters, but she regains composure. 

She comes closer. I can smell her lilac perfume, nearly to the point of tasting it. She pulls out a clipboard and presses some buttons on my machine. 

"Where am I?" I ask, my voice raspy and strained. She looks startled and even a little scared that I talked to her. 

She clears her throat. "Um.. you're in the special healing facility of the hospital" I don't like the way she says healing. I know she's lying, and she can tell that I know. She looks frightened and takes a step back. 

"I'm just here to um... ask you a few questions about um... how you're feeling...and stuff." She avoided my gaze and I could tell that she'd rather be anywhere but here. 

"Why?" I don't bother hiding the suspicion in my voice. 

"Doctor's orders!!" She squeals, a little too forced and cheerful. 

"Well, I'm feeling fine, but I don't understand why I'm hear and why my family isn't here." She bites her lip nervously. I raise an eyebrow suspiciously. 

"They're not allowed in here. Now either you can tell me about the accident and how you're really feeling, or I'll make you." She tries to look threatening, but her eyes are nervous and scared. 

I grin. "Make me" She looks defiantly towards a door and doctors come in, wheeling a tray full of syringes and needles. I never was a fan of the needles. 

They wheel it up to me and not to subtly run to the door, slamming it behind them. I look towards the lady, her hands shaking as she pulls on her gloves. She grabs the needle and places it above my skin.

She seems to gain her composure enough to almost make a break in the skin, but as the needle touches my skin, an explosion blasts he back from me. I feel my restraints - well - restraining me as my whole body send off explosion after explosion. The room is still pasty white, but there's red on the floor.

"Oh God, no" I say as tears stream down my ash covered face. "I've killed her" I look on helplessly as doctors, swat members and police nearly break down the door. A doctor comes up, says "Sleepy time" and inserts a needle quickly into my throat. The last thing I see this time before loosing consciousness is doctors picking up her limp body and placing it on a stretcher. 

They try to do CPR and stuff, but it's no use. She's dead. I'm the one that killed her. 

I'm the monster.

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