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The lady introduces herself as Miss Sapphire or just Saffy. i snorted when she mentioned that. "What? Is that what Chad calls you when you're alone." The minute it's out, I wish I could take it back. Chad's face grows red with anger or embarrassment - I couln't tell.

Sapphire however just laughed. "Me - and - him?!" she gestured at Chad. "I'd rather die!! That assumption is simple outrageous. Chad's face turned pale. He looked at the ground, shuffling back and forth on his feet.

"So, tell me Scarlet, what did you see before you blacked out?" I wasn't sure which time she was talking about. She seemed to read my expression. She smirked, "You know, the first time you blacked out."

I was about to say I didn't see anything but then I remembered the vision and I started throwing up. Alex started to move towards me, but guards came in and grabbed hold of his arms. They slammed him into the wall and his head rolled to the side. Sapphire just looks smug as she steps around the barf and comes up to my vertically placed restraint bed.

"So you remember, do you?" My mouth is sour with the taste of barf, almost to the point of making me throw up again. I shudder and Sapphire laughs. "Too scary for your little brain to handle?" I spit on her shoes. She jumps back, trying hard to ignore the stuff on her shoe.

"Fine. If you won't tell me, then I'll make you tell me." She signals the guards to bring Alex's unconscious body to a chair. They plop him down. I already don't like the look of where this is going.

A man wearing all black except for a swan on the pocket goes over to a large tray and picks up a very hot-looking poker. He carefully moves it until it's right over Alex's neck. I start to panic. They don't know about his ability. So they have no problem with making him suffer until I tell them the vision.

The man lowered the poker onto Alex's bare neck. Immediately, Alex's eyes fly open and he screams in agony and pain. His eyes find mine, pleading. I can see the flame almost catching his neck on fire. I need to stop this before it can go any farther.

"Wait!" But it wasn't me who said it. The man raises the poker, but Alex is already unconscious, occasionally twitching. i turn and face the voice, trying to show them how grateful I am. But when I look to the door, I stop, and I look on into the face of an extremely gorgeous guy.

He reminds me of Alex. He's tall and muscular, with sandy blonde hair that just barely reaches over his ears. But that's where the similarities stop. He wears casual wear, including shorts and flip flops, while Alex wears leather jackets, jeans and converses. And then there's the face. Instead of Alex's cool, calm demeanor, this guy's face show's nothing but outrage.

Sapphire seems to collect herself when she says, "What gives you the right to just barge in here and demand that I stop doing what we brought them here in the first place to do?!?!"

The guy walks in and stares down Sapphire. He's AT LEAST a good foot and a half taller than her. "I have every right, under the Protection of Challenged Citizens, page 307, paragraph 4. Look it up if you don't believe me. And this ISN'T what you were supposed to be doing. If I remember correctly, boss said that you were under strict orders not to hurt our guests." He points towards Alex, who's neck is severely bleeding. "And since you've violated that order, I'm going to have to report you."

Sapphire looks appalled. The guy smirks and dismisses her with a wave. He orders doctors to come in and take Alex to the emergency room, while cleaning up the floor. When it's done, and I'm still hanging here, he comes over and looks up at me.

I must look a mess. My normally pretty, wavy hair is now knotted and tangled, my clothes are covered in thow-up, and I must smell like i've been living in the wilderness for at least a year. But instead of turning up his nose and walking away, dismissing me as fast as he did Sapphire. He smiles at me.

He reaches out his hand, "I'm Jasper." When he notices that I can't move my hands, due to my restraints, I expect him to take them off, instead, he just laughs. "Sorry, but that's a little over my pay grade." I let out a little giggle.

"I'm Scarlet. Sorry, I probably look like a mess." I say, trying to sound casual, but cringe at how self - conscious I sound.

"I think you look beautiful." He says, gazing at me with such an intensity that I avert my gaze. "That guy with the hole in his neck is very lucky to have a gal like you at his arm." He twirls a lock of my hair around his finger.

"Oh, well we're just into each other. It's not like we're an official thing or anything like that. He likes me and I like him." I say, letting out a laugh, but it sounds to forced and awkward. But Jasper doesn't seem to notice.

All he does is look up into my eyes, a flirtatious smile playing across his lips as he says, "Oh, well then it looks like I have competition."

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