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Those last three words that Scarlet spoke struck fear into my heart. I could sense them, of course, but my senses were not as advanced as hers were.

Jasper's eyes widened and he pulled his girlfriend (Which I found out that her name was Amber) off to the side, making sure we couldn't hear their conversation. Scarlet's grip was like iron on my arm, and I wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. She smiled up at me, but it was tense, forced.

Brett ran off to join Jasper and Amber's conversation, making sure that Scarlet could see him when he brushed the injured girl's hand and smiled flirtatiously at her. I looked at Scarlet, an amused smile playing on her lips.

"Um, excuse me? I'm sorry to interrupt your love fest over there, but can someone tell me who the heck 'they' is and what they're gonna do to us if they catch us?" I looked over at the injured girl. Her jumpsuit was ripped and her hair was matted with dried blood, but she was pretty enough. She met my gaze evenly.

"I don't think we've met before." I said, catching her off guard. I untangled my hand from Scarlet's and held it out to her. "I'm Alex."

"Yeah. I got that." She muttered under her breath, and she obviously thought I couldn't hear her.

I laughed.

"Have you forgotten the advanced hearing? I suggest thinking. It's not as... Loud." She blushed a deep red but shook my outstretched hand.

"I'm Andrea. You must be Scarlet?" She turned to Scarlet, who was still protectively under my arm. I'm never letting her go. I'm never gonna let her out of my sight.

She nodded and shook Andrea's hand. Brett, Jasper, and Amber must have come to a conclusion about what to do, because they turned off their flashlights and motion us over.

"Okay. Here's the plan. We have to split up." Groans of protest rung out, but Jasper continued. "We'll all meet up at the jeep in..." He looked at his watch. "2 hours. Sharp. Got it?"

After we all nodded in agreement, Amber spoke up. "Take back paths. Lose them. Do not let them get you. They could do a heck of a lot worse things to you than the compound." Scarlet and I shivered at the name. "There will be three groups. Alex and Scarlet. Obviously." She handed us a map. "Brett and Andrea." She tried to hand it over to them, but they both reached for it at the same time and ended up fighting over it. "And finally Jasper and I. If you don't make it back to he truck in 2 hours, we're leaving without you."

We said our good-byes and parted in all different directions.



"Well, this'll be fun." I said after we had walked a few miles. Andrea smiled.

"Oh, yeah? Why is that. Is it because you'll be alone with me for two hours?" She nudged my shoulder.

"You wish." I snorted, but she had guessed it. Andrea the shoe thrower was growing on me.

"So, if you're not excited about spending two hours alone with me, then what are you excited for?" She looked at her feet. Her black combat boots were covered in blood and dust.

"Well, with all this time together, we'll be able to swap stories. You know, get to know each other better."

I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself in it from shame. That was, by far, the stupidest thing I had ever said to a girl. Ever. She seemed to think so too, because she burst out laughing. I decided it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard in my entire life.

"Swap stories, soldier boy? That sounds... fun." She tried to muster up a little enthusiasm, but failed. I gave her a look and she laughed again.

"Come on, Drea. It'll be fun." I turned to look at her, and she gave me an amused glance.

"What are you so amused about?" I asked her playfully. "Is it my charmingly good looks, or is it my undeniably hot bod, or something else that's hot about me?" She snorted but I could see her face turn a bright pink.

"Pshh nah. I was just wondering why you've already given me a nickname, and we've only known each other for about 2 hours."

"Ah. Well, I just thought... I mean... you know..." I trailed off, unsure of where I was going with that.

She laughed. "Well, I dunno, I mean... I guess..."

I looked at her, feigning shock. "Are you, making fun of me? "

"Yes I am. What are you gonna do about it, soldier boy?" She looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

I smiled, and grabbed her waist and threw her over my shoulder. She squealed and tried to squirm out of my grasp. I finally let her go, but to only start tickling her. She fell to the floor, and she laughed until she gasped for breath.

"Stop...Please....AHAHAHA...OhmyGod...I'm dying... " She wheezed between laughs. With satisfaction, I stopped and sat down next to her on the forest floor. She wiped the tears from her eyes and gasped for breath.

We sat in silence for a while, and just when it was starting to get awkward, Andrea broke the silence by leaning over and punching me in the stomach. "Don't. Ever. Tickle. Me. Again. Is that understood?"

I looked over, my mouth agape, wondering what came over her. It was incredibly... hot. It's almost like I was seeing her in a whole new light. I used to laugh at how in the movies, the would portray love like rainbows and fairies, but I never imagined it like this. Andrea suddenly looked as if she was bathed in golden light, as if Heaven was opening up and dumping golden glitter all over her.

"Um, hello? Earth to Brett. Earth to Brett. Can you hear me?" I realized she was waving her hand in front of my face. I snapped out of it and wiped the drool from my face. "What were you staring at, soldier boy?"

I didn't answer. Instead, I grabbed her face and kissed her. She tensed and tried to pull back, but then relaxed into the kiss. She ran her hands through my hair and I gasped in pleasure. I pulled her closer and she deepened it. I ran my tongue along her lips, asking for permission to enter, but she abruptly stopped kissing me and pulled away, shame in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I reached for her hand but she pulled away.

She promptly ignored me and rocked back and forth on her knees, whispering "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry "

"Hey, it's okay. I forgive you." What I was forgiving for though, I wasn't sure. She looked up at me so sharply, in surprised her neck didn't snap.

"You. Forgive. Me?! I wasn't talking to you you stupid assclown!!"

I would've laughed at her use of the insult "assclown" but the look on her face screamed murder. I stood up. "Then who were you talking to?"

She started to reply but she froze when we heard the familiar click of a gun.

"Freeze." We looked toward our attacker and I heard a whimper escape Andrea. he looked at both of us in turn but then focused his attention to Andrea. She was crying again.

He knelt down beside her and cupped her face. I felt a range of emotions raging inside me.

Jealousy. Anger. Sadness. Grief

He wiped the tears from her face and kissed her forehead. "Hey, it's okay baby. I forgive you"

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