Wedding Crashers

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The ground shakes suddenly, trembling, then again, and again. 'Footsteps?'

"Something's gone wrong." Marshall whispers as the trembles become more intense.

"FIONNA!" I spy FP's glow over the horizon, his band of accomplices dimly lit behind him.

I gaze regretfully at Marshall, wishing this had all gone to plan, but no, I have other responsibilities. I gather up the folds of my dress and run back down the aisle towards FP. When I reach the end I skid to a sudden stop in shock at the sight of the Gumball guardians rising above the horizon, the source of the tremendous ground shudders.

I regain my mind set and continue running towards FP and the others. I kick off my shoes and hike my dress up higher, "Wait, duh," I come to a sudden realization. I strip my gown as I run, pulling it over my head to reveal my normal clothing prepared underneath.

I throw it behind me and push faster towards FP and the approaching Gumball Guardians. "Flame Prince!" I exclaim as I reach his side and turn to run alongside him. "Did you get The Book?"

"Muscle Prince!" he shouts behind himself between gasps, causing his flames to flicker and dim.

I look back and Muscle Prince hands me The Book, "Great, but now what do we do about Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum?" I gesture towards the guardians hot on our tracks.

"I thought you'd know what to do." he talks back slightly. "How was your wedding by the way?" he asks as we run past the ceremony to lighten the mood.

"Oh it was lovely... not official yet though... we kinda got interrupted" I try to joke back between breaths. But I quickly remind myself I have to focus, to get us out of this situation; but I come up blank.

"Hey guys," Marshall appears, still in his tux, beside me, "what's up?"

I roll my eyes, "We don't know what to do." I admit.

"Oh" he seems surprised and glances at the guardians in pursuit of us, then at me, "At least that half of the plan worked." he nods towards The Book in my hands.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout this." FP apologizes.

Marshall shrugs, "Its'kay, man." he lets it go, and it really isn't FP's fault he got caught, I'm sure he tried his best to get The Book out in once piece in the first place.

Waaaiiiittt, "What are the Gumball Guardians' weaknesses?" I shout at The Book in my hands, realizing this is our only chance.

The cover shifts and changes in my hands to a picture of the two guardians in their usual places blowing bubbles around the Candy kingdom. 'The Gumball Guardians' is embossed on the cover which then opens and the pages inside turn and flap, getting to the right page.

Finally, it gets to a page titled 'Weaknesses'. "Stresses on the Guardians heads may cause them to shatter; this may occur due to impact or thermal stresses." I read out loud.

"We could trip them." Marshall suggests.

"It may not be enough," I point out, Gumball made these things able to handle simple stresses.

"Wait! That's it!" Flame Prince shouts excitedly, "'Thermal stresses'! That combined with a trip would shatter them for sure! I'll super heat their heads and we can trip them into a pond or something to make them brittle." he plans out.

"It's our only chance. Let's do it!" I say enthusiastically. "Marshall and I will lead them away towards the nearest pond and you focus on heating them up." Marshall and FP nod to confirm their assignments. I nod back and lead Marshall further ahead to let FP do his thing.

Once a reasonable distance away, I look back at FP who is now shooting lava out of his hands; It glows bright against the black of the night. The lava flows down the heads of the Guardians, not even slowing them down. "Keep it up!" I yell back, "We're almost at the pond" I warn him,

"How are we going to trip them?" Marshall points out.

"Let me help, babies." Cake pokes her head out from over my shoulder.

"Cake? When did you...? Never mind." I drop the topic until later. "Cake stretch between Marshall and I." Cake swings her butt over to Marshall and he grasps her back legs and I hold her front ones. "Marshall, back up!" we move away from each other and Cake stretches between us. I call back to FP as we near the pond, "Blind them and get out of the way!" I order.

He shoots extra lava into their eyes and immediately moves off to the side of the pond. The Guardians come stumbling towards us, "Hold tight, Cake." I say as they trip over her and fall face first into the pond water.

Three things happen in the moment afterwards: A loud shatter that shakes my bones, a wave of water hitting me, and a piercing cry of pain.

Cake snaps back into her usual form and looks over the shattered Guardians, "Too bad it had to come to this fellas." she says, "I'll go back and check on the guests." and she sprints off towards the ceremony.

"Fioonnaaa," a hoarse voice calls for me. I turn towards the source and find Flame Prince, on his knees looking over the water, with a huge shard of glass I his side. As I run for him, he slumps into the grass.





((WRITER OF THE WEEK: "Victoria_Anime_Freak" for intense comment last week ;) they have 2 stories they've started and are off to a great start. :) go check 'em out

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Whats your favorite animal??? i love pandas and penguins! idk if ive got a thing for black and white animals that start with P or what, it just kinda happened..... SOoo how about you? fav animal in the whole world, comment it below!


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