Meeting Time

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All the princes were gathered outside Cake's tree house the next morning, after a night of frantic phone calls; Even Gumball decides to show. The worried mummers among the crowd raise tensions, becoming louder by the second. I climb up on a stool and try to get everyone's attention, "Hello? Guys, up here!" the crowd quiets down abruptly and turns to face me. "Okay, so yes. Everyone knows why we are gathered this morning, and the eminent danger that lurks somewhere in Aaa." the murmurs start up again in, "But," I say loudly, calling back their attention, "she is weakened at the moment, according to Marshall, who was actually possessed by her and saw her plan in her mind. So we have some time to figure out what to do."

There's a silence until Wild Berry Prince speaks up, "So, you have no plan at all?" his eyes furrowing with concern; everyone in the crowd turns to their neighbor and gives a similar expression. 

"Well, I, I," I stammer, unable to find the right words. I scan the crowd for help but only get the image of Gumball rolling his eyes.

"Of course she doesn't have a plan." he speaks up, walking towards me. My bod stiffens at his approach, he leans to whisper in my ear, "Why don't we crack open The Book for help? I know you never destroyed it." he sneers.

My eyes grow wide and try to hide my expression from the crowd. "Don't worry," he continues, "I actually still held up my side of the bargain. It really would've be a shame to have The Book get destroyed"

I hear a rapid tapping on the window behind me; I know it must be Marshall, trapped inside by the sun, seeing if I need back up. I wave him off, knowing I can pretty much handle Gumball by myself. "For your information, I didn't mean to not destroy it, I just forgot about it." I explain honestly, taking our conversation to the other side of the tree, away from everyone else. "Lots of things were happening at the moment,"

"Please don't tell me you lost it." he pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and finger.

I think back, "No, I know exactly where it is." I say mater-of-factly, remembering Cake saying she hid it in the tree trunk of the house.

"Then go get it so we can figure out what to do." he prompts slowly, like I'm a child.

I set my jaw, "I don't like to use it, you can find out too much about the future." I protest.

"Fionna, the fate of all of Aaa is resting in our hands and you are talking about yourself and morals? This is not time for your childish ideals." he raises his voice just enough to get his point across. He takes a deep breath and levels himself, "What about your friends and family, Fionna, your child? How will you save everyone?"

My eyes drop from his to the ground, then to the horizon; I imagined the land on fire, burning, the smell of death heavy and thick in the air; the bods of my friends inert on the ground, the Lich laughing echoing across the land. 

"I'll go get it." I reply, trying to keep my dignity as I trudge off, "Stay here!" I warn before rounding the tree and motioning for Cake to follow me inside.

I push open the door and Marshall is waiting for me inside. "'The Book'? He can’t be serious." he asks incredulously. 

"That’s what this is about? He just wants his gummy little hands on The Book; I mean seriously, have you looked at his hands? They're just too dainty for a guy like-"

"Cake." I cut off her tangent. I sigh, "I mean, he has a point, how else can we insure everyone's safety? This is the only option."

I can see Marshall and Cake mull this over in their heads. Finally Cake admits, "If it’s what you think is best, I fully support you."

I nod and smile with appreciation, "Thank you." then she runs off somewhere in the house to look for The Book, leaving Marshall and I alone. "Is this the right thing to do?" I question aloud.

He puts an arm around me, "I’m not happy that it’s Gumball's plan, but, if you think it’s what needs to be done, then it can’t be that bad of a plan after all."

Just then, Cake emerges, The Book in hand, and sets it down on the table while Marshall and I lock the doors. We gather around the table and I stare at the currently blank, leather cover. I run my hand across it and it shimmers gold at my touch, giving away its magical qualities. I take a deep breath, "Here we go." I fully place my hand on the cover, "Tell us about the Lich"

The Book instantly turns jet black with bright green cracks running all along it, like open wounds, the title 'The Lich' looking like it was carved into the book with a crooked blade, also glowing a blinding shade of green. I turn to the first page.

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((QUESTION OF THE WEEK: If you could be any fictional charater, who would you be? I cant decide between the Doctor Whoniverse, and the Marvel universe, i'd like to be Rose Tyler or Amy Pond, or Iron Man... i cant decide! Leave your answers belowww!

P.S.: 1,000,000+ reads?!?!?!?! that's insane!!!! thank you guys so much!!!!!!!!! this is all your doing, i love you guys so much <3


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