Find Her

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Marshall; original universe:

"Should we-" 

"No!" I cut Cake off after an unproductive afternoon of wondering what to do.

"You don't even know what I was gonna say!" she accuses, crossing her arms over chest.

I rub my eyes to keep away the sleep, "You were gonna suggest we go ask Gumball for help." I accuse right back. I immediately feel the glances from FP and Simone.

Cake gets up from her chair, walks up behind me and places a paw on my shoulder, "Calm down, baby, we'll figure all this out." she soothes. She turns my face to look at her, her own face hardening, "And no, I wasn’t going to suggest we ask that asswad for help, I was going to say we just go looking for MagicMiss."

My temper comes back down, "Oh. But we'll never find her, no one can ever find MagicMiss when you want to" I try to reason.

Cake looks down and scrunches up her face in concentration, "I know where she lives, at least I think I can remember... it was such a long time ago," she presses her paws to her head, "Sorry, never mind, I knew where she lived; Fionna would know if she was here..." she trails off.

"What if we gave her a reason to find us?" FP suggests as he gets up from his chair.

Cake hops up onto the table in the center, obviously frustrated, "What kind of reason would she go looking for us? She has no reason, no plan, she’s spontaneous in her actions; she wouldn't go anywhere that she thought ahead for, like finding us." Cake explains, sounding like an expert on MagicMiss, 'how many times had her and Fi encountered her before?'

"Well maybe not a reason then, just attracts her attention, she'll almost subconsciously want to come for us" Simone chimes in, straightening herself in her chair.

I consider this, "That just might work." I agree.

"But with what?" Cake interjects, "How does one attract her attention?" she asks, obviously wondering about the soundness of this plan before we go any further, "Every time Fionna and I have encountered her we were just minding our own business."

"Or at least that’s what you think," Flame Prince begins to pace back and forth. "The two of you, I imagine, kind of stick out to her as you do to everyone else; the two famous hero adventurers of Aaa. Perhaps you are just naturally sought after by her." he speculates.

Cake scrunches her face up at that idea, "So, what; should I just prance around the nearest field and hope she shows up and doesn't curse me right away?" she plops down on her bottom on top of the table.

"Well, who do we have here anyway?" I ask, "I mean we have Cake, one half of THE adventuring team of Aaa, we've got the King of the Fire Kingdom, the used to be Ice Queen, Simone, and we've got me, Vampire and Nightosphere king." I lean in, "I think we are a pretty conspicuous group already. Maybe that’s why she came to us earlier in the trees," I suggest.

There is a silence all around the table. But then Simone speaks up, "I think it’s worth a try, she still might be in the area." already propping herself up out of her chair.

"I agree." FP stops pacing, "Should we bring Fionna?" he gestures towards the other table in the corner of the room.

I open my mouth to say 'no' but Cake talks before me, "Maybe we should take all the little people, I’m starting to think MagicMiss is behind the origin of the rest of them too." She shifts herself off the table with cloth sack in hand, moving to scoop all the little people up.

"Is Fi going to be okay in there?" I ask, "I'd feel better if I actually held on to her separately." I admit floating behind Cake.

She turns and smiles at me understandingly, "Very well, here you go." she scoops Fi up from the others and places her in my hand.

Little Fi just stands there on my palm, eyes wide, staring out into space. I open my right breast pocket and slide her in, not wanting to crush her or lose her. She sits right down in there, the same blank stare that catches my eye for just a moment, causing a slight shiver to travel down my spine.

"Well let’s get goin'," Simone encourages while she makes her way to the door. We all follow suit, determined to find MagicMiss.






((WRITER OF THE WEEK: "haaaileeyx"!!!!! they've got a Harry Styles story, go check it out!!!! :D


Hi loyal reader, i see you are enjoying this here Fiolee fanfic written by me :) at least i hope you're enjoying it, well you've made it this far.

anyway;... *ahem* are you lacking reading material during the week waiting for Sunday to come? you should check out some of my other stories! they dont update on a normal basis, but are there to relieve boredom (mainly my boredom). Ive got a "Rise of the Guardians 2" fanfic sequel to the movie, "The lost princess" which is somethign i wrote a long time ago and am editing as i post it, "My missing piece" which is on the most standby currently, and a "Modern Rapunzel" story where Rapunzel takes place in modern day (hence the title). Soo, read them if you're bored, and maybe tell me which is the better one and you want to be updated on a reguar basis like this here fanfic (dont worry, Fiolee always takes top priority of my writing :) )


QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What is the most exotic place you've visited or been? For me, im going to use "exotic" as equal to "different" from my normal suroundings, so the most "exotic" place ive been in Los Vegas (being ive never crossed an ocean). SOoo, what about u? comment belowww!


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