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We walk in silence away from the house as I guide us to the construction of the new tree house. I don't know what to talk about to start a conversation, and it seems neither does he. 'What’s happened to us? Do I feel like this because he kissed me on the cheek? It was innocent, wasn't it? We were best friends, more than friends for a while... but then I was with Marshall, I'm still with Marshall; we were almost married; would that have prevented all of this? Is it because we can touch each other without a layer of tin foil between us? What if it was this way when we had dated? Would have things turned out differently between us?'


I look to my left and meet FP's eyes.

"I'm sorry I did what I did before, I'm sorry that I've seemingly ruined our friendship for the time being; but I think I did it because I couldn't properly kiss you when we were dating and, and, it’s really no excuse for what I did but I hoped you would understand..." he trails off, seemingly losing his momentum of thought.

I rest my hand on his shoulder, "You didn't ruin our friendship, and I do understand," I sympathize, knowing where he's coming from (remembering my days of liking Gumball). "And I know you understand that Marshall are-"

"Yes! I know, you guys were getting freaking married before... everything... I don't know what happened to me honestly, it was just an 'in the moment ' kind of thing, you know?"

I nod, "I think we should just put it behind us, like it never happened." I suggest, thinking it’s the best thing that we can do in the situation.

He cracks a smile and sighs, "Yeah, let’s do that." he agrees and we keep on our way.

We walk in silence for a while, the forest that contains the new tree house growing on the horizon. "So," I start, trying to start a conversation, "what is it like to be able to 'feel' things now?" I ask, curious.

He looks off into the distance thoughtfully, possibly wondering about how to answer. "It's like, like..." he stutters, unable to find the words, "like before, when I burned everything I touched, it was very empowering, like everything I touched and set on fire became an extension of me, something that I concurred; thus the spree I went on when I was first released from my lantern." he looks to me for a moment to see my reaction, my face showing nothing, and continues, "In the Fire Kingdom I can feel things, other fire elementals, and the environment; but, outside the Fire Kingdom, there was none of that feeling of touch, it was more like the feel of consuming the things that I touched rather than an actual 'touch' sensation, in a sense everything 'felt' the same.

"But now," he bends down and runs his hand through the grass, he opens his mouth to say something but again seems lost for words, "Its- it’s like I was blind before and now I can see. I can look at the grass, then feel it and in my head I’m thinking, 'of course that’s how that feels, how could I have been so ignorant before not to have noticed.' When I touch something, it’s like I realize that that object could've never felt like anything else, only this," he runs his hand through the grass again. "Each blade of grass has a slightly different feel, everything feels different from each other, it kinda sensory overload, its crazy."

I try to understand and try to see through his eyes in this situation, but I don’t think I don’t think I can. To be basically deprived of such a basic fact of life, then to so suddenly gain the world seemingly; no, I can’t imagine. "That sounds incredible," is all I can think to say.

"It is. I want to experience everything like this! Like this breeze," he lifts his face to the gentle breeze I didn’t even realize was there, "before this would have been biting and uncomfortable, but now... it’s so soft and caressing. The outside world is so full of sensations and I’ve been missing out," his tone becomes somber, "is it wrong to say I don’t want to go back to the Fire Kingdom?" he wonders, his eyes sad with a loss he never knew he had before a day ago.

My mouth hangs slightly open before I can think of words to fill it with, "W-what about your people? Your duty to lead them?" I try to be logical, knowing that he will eventually heal and this new world will be all but a memory.

He knows this too, but can’t seem to accept it, "They'll be fine, can’t I lead them from out here, outside of the constant flames and brimstone?" we break the tree line as he says this.

"FP, you know that’s not right," I don’t want to sound too harsh but I know we have to be realistic now or else it may spin out of control later.

He scrunches up his face in frustration, "Yeeaahh, I know. But I just can’t leave this behind," he runs his hand across a passing tree trunk. 

 "I'm sorry." is the last thing I can say before I spy Marshall and the others up ahead.





((WRITER OF THE WEEK: "MrsLaurenWoods"!!!!!!! they have some cool looking jeff the killer stories and theyre an AT fan too!! go check 'em out!!!!!! :D

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: if you could be a prince/ princess of something, what would it be? like, ICE king, FLAME prince(ss), wildberry prince(ss)? i guess i'd be... Fandom Princess...? it seems that they really comsume my life lately, especially with summer approaching... oh my life...

so how about u, what do u rule? comment belowwww


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