Soul Chamber

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"Me?" I ask.

"Yes, of course. You seem to be her last connection to life; she’s calling out to you for Pete’s sake. You can act as a link and guide her back." She explains. 

I try to take this all in but, "What’s the catch? What’s the price?" I ask skeptically.

She shakes her head, "The Land of the Dead and the Nightosphere has always coexisted side by side since the beginning. I will lend this one favor this once, and I do expect a repayment in the future."

I straighten myself and put on my diplomatic composure, "Yes, of course, I accept these terms and thank you." I quickly slip back into my actual state of being on the verge of a mental wreck. "So what do we have to do?" 

"Follow me; bring her with you." she points to skeleton Fi and begins to walk.

I have to pull Fi along for her to follow, her eye sockets still seemingly focused on nothing. The other skeletons back off of us, Death obviously keeping them at bay. 

Death's castle was pure crystal that seemed to glow with an internal star of burning, white light. An instinct deep inside me wants to run from the sunlight-like shine, but the light hits my skin painlessly, leaving no trace. This is probably as close as I can get to being in actual sunlight. 

We entered the castle and the inside was just as brilliant as the outside; the crystal walls letting off less intense of a light for the inside but allowing it to refract slightly so the ceiling held its own scattered rainbow of colors. I can’t help but wish Fi could really see this for herself.

I follow Death through a door into the center of the castle. Stepping inside, my eyes immediately go up, up the walls to the ceiling hundreds of feet above our heads. The walls are wrapped around with shelves that seem to spiral all the way up to the ceiling; on the shelves were millions and millions of colorful glass spheres, just big enough to sit in my palm. "I present to you, the Soul Chamber." Death says grandly, obviously proud.

"It's nice." I say emotionless.

"Well, when surrounded by death, and being Death, you learn to deal with what you get." she explains thoughtfully, admiring the pulsing colors on the walls.

It’s silent for a while before I have to speak up, "Well how do we fix Fionna?" I ask urgently, growing a tad impatient with the theatrics.

"Oh, yes," she seems to snap out of her state. "Fionna the Human!" her voice echoes through the chamber and she holds her hand up and out as if holding a tray on her open hand. 

Without a sound, out of nowhere; a light blue sphere descends from an upper shelf, floating like a bubble. It drifts slowly down right into the palm of Death. "Here we are," she holds it out to show me, "Fionna."

I blink in confusion, "That's Fi?"

"Well most of her," she looks towards the skeleton whose wrist I was still clinging to. 

"How do we fix her?" 

She motions and skeleton Fi walks over to her. "Hold this." she tosses the soul sphere in my direction. I panic for half second before I realize it’s simply drifting down slowly towards my cupped hands. When it lands I was not expecting the weight that it was: actually having a weight as if it were made of glass. I become mesmerized with the colors pulsing within, like a heartbeat. 

"Come here, child," I hear Death coo. I look up and realize she’s talking to skeleton Fi. She obeys and walks into Death's outstretched arms. In a swift motion Death sweeps her off her feet so Fi lay back on her left arm. She then waves her right hand above her mystically. 

Slowly, a misty substance seems to seep out of the skeleton, now swirling around Death's hand. Once all the mist seemed to be extracted, she set the skeleton down on the floor where it lay unmoving. 

"Is it dead?" I ask, concerned. But Death just responds with a look of 'Really?', then I realize what I’ve said. "Now what?" I revise my question.

"Hand me the sphere." 

Not feeling comfortable with throwing it, I walk over to her and reach over the skeleton to place it in her left hand. 


I nod, "Yes. Wait, for what?" I revise with realization.

But she doesn’t care. She smashes the sphere against the floor, not accompanied by a shatter, but an ear splitting scream that is all too familiar to me. More mist curls up from the floor. Death reaches her right hand down so now the mist from the skeleton and from the sphere swirl around her hand. A bright blue light then shines from within the misty cloud, pulsing like before. "Her soul is fixed." she declares as the mist continues to swirl.

"Great!" I exclaim. "Now what? Can you put it back in one of those spheres for me to take or..." I stop before I start rambling.

She reaches for my wrist and lifts my hand towards hers, ignoring my comment, "Normally no one but I can hold the souls, but if I’m correct..." she moves the swirling mist towards my hand, "with you being Fionna's last connection to life in that skeleton, you should be able to endure it just long enough."

I pull back my hand, "'Endure it'? What does that mean?"

She pulls my hand back abruptly, forcefully; her right hand grasps mine and I feel something surge within me, knocking the wind out of me. "It means this is what you get for killing my friend Peppermint Maid!" she whispers harshly as she lets my hand go and I fall to the floor under the weight of my own bod. "You're lucky I’m giving you a sporting chance, you may just save Fionna and yourself yet. But this is the price, the torture, you must endure for killing my friend!" 







((WRITER OF THE WEEK: "autumn_rose7760"!!! they're just starting their own Fiolee and can really use you guys' support to help them get going. check them out!

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What is the #1 song on your iPod, computer, mp3 etc? as in, what song is the most played song? apparently mine is "Potential Breakup Song" by Aly & AJ, that song's been on my ipod since the first day i got it many years ago... so what about you guys? this actually brought back some memories for me finding this out, its kinda cool. comment belowwww!


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