Aunty Cake

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I burst into the hall and make my way towards the Baby Ward. Pushing past the double doors I find the nurse cradling Amelia in the lobby. She looks up when I enter and gets up to meet me. She opens her mouth to speak but I assert myself first, "Has word of Fionna's... death, left the hospital yet?" I must know.

She almost starts to speak again when a familiar voice shouts above her: "Marshall!!!" Cake's elated voice rises as she nears, "Is this the baby?!? Oh dear, she is the most precious thing I have seen since my own pups were born! What’s the name??" she exclaims, not able to take her eyes off.

I hesitate for a moment, but Cake doesn’t notice, "Amelia."

"Ohhhh, little Amelia, so beautiful! I know you'll be an excellent father, Marshall; make sure Fionna gets a break now and then, ahahaha!" she laughs to herself and I manage to crack a tiny smile. "Where is Fionna? Is she in back, recovering? I must talk to her!" she starts walking back towards the double doors; I rest my hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Marshall, what are... what’s wrong?" she obviously gauges my face and read me like a book.

 The tension hangs thick in the air, probably why I find it difficult to breathe when I say, "Fi...Fi-Fionna... is dead." I choke out, "The Lich... killed her." I collapse into a nearby chair, resting my head in my palms.

There is only the sound of Amelia's aroused gurgling that breaks the silence, beginning to fidget in the nurses arms. I look up and offer my arm for her. The nurse lays Amelia in my arms then excuses herself from the room to let us alone.

Cake's voice is small, "She can’t be dead, she always comes back. Have the doctor's tried everything?" her eyes begin to water, shimmering in the florescent lights.

I nod, "But I’m working on it, I’m gonna save her, don’t worry, don’t worry," I assure Cake and a wriggling Amelia. 

Cake wipes her tears and straightens up, "IMMA FIND THAT LICH AND KILL HER FOR RUINING-"

"Cake, the Lich is dead." I interject before things get out of hand.

"What? How?" she asks incredulously.

"She came after Amelia but I think because she was only a few minutes old, she's pure life, and it killed the Lich." I explain in a rush before Cake does anything too brash.

She turns to face me and I can see where the streaming tears have matted her fur. "What are we going to do, Marshall? There are people waiting outside the hospital to see Fionna and the baby. What are we going to tell them?" she sniffs back her tears.

I look down at Amelia, her shinning grey eyes meeting mine for the first time. Her eyes are questioning, probably fully aware something's wrong, that something is missing; someone is already missing in her life. "We're going to tell them that Fi and Amelia are fine; but, they're both resting. Nothing's wrong, everything is okay, and we're just asking for some privacy for the time being." I state calmly, "Here, take Amelia while I go tell them,"

After going out and turning away several well wishers, I head back to Fi's room just in time to see her being placed on a gurney and have a sheet thrown over her. "Hey, hey, what are you doing?" I interject.

The 3 people in the room look at me, confused. "We're here to take her down to the morgue." they explain.

"Marshall," DP pokes his head in the door, "what seems to be the problem?" As he asks me this, the 3 people wheel Fi off.

"What are they going to do to her there?" I ask.

He guides me over to a set of chairs that we then sit in across from each other. "Well, prepare her for burial. When are you planning for the funeral to be?"

I stand suddenly, "NO, there is no funeral! I’m going to bring her back!" 

"Marshall, I know when we lose someone we feel like they can’t be gone, but the first step is acceptance-"

"No, I’m actually going to bring her back to life, I’ll find a way!" I assert, "I’m not losing her now!"

"Marshall," he says a bit more forcefully, "that is highly unconventional. The body starts to decompose at the moment of death-"

"SHUT UP!" I grab him by his shirt, "Don’t talk about her like that!" I feel myself shift slightly into my bat form out of anger, trembling.

DP keeps his composure, "I’m just saying, if you pull it off she might not be the same. Sometimes we just need to move on."

My clenched hand shakes, I let him go and force myself to change back to normal with a grunt. "But what kind of husband, father, even, if I don’t try." I reason.

DP hangs his head and straightens his clothes; he sighs, "Very well; I warned you." He gets up, "Don’t take longer than 24 hours, by then her body will be too far gone. I'll see to that she is kept in an optimum climate." he offers, then simply walks out as usual.

I make my way back to the lobby where Cake and Amelia are. "Cake, can you take care of Amelia for the next 24 hours?" I ask as I walk up to her cradling a fussy Amelia.

"Here," she hands her to me before answering me, "she needs her father. Barely a few hours old and she’s already being handed off to a babysitter, it’s not good for her." she lightly scolds.

I rock Amelia gently, "I’m going to the Land of the Dead to get Fi's soul, I think she'll be fine for 24 hours without her parents for a lifetime with both of us. Now please, I need to go now."

Cake takes the calmed Amelia from me, "Good luck."






((Hope everyone is having  a good holiday! QUESTION OF THE WEEK:  what is the strangest gift you have ever reveived? my answer is a large canned ham from my dad. it was gross. how about you guys? leave a comment belowww!


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