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"Flame Prince!" I kneel at his side, my hands hovering above him, wanting to do something but not able to touch him, or even know what to do if I could, "Nonononono," I whisper to myself, then burying my face in my hands.

"Fi, look," Marshall comes to my side and whispers. I look up and watch as his flame dims to a faint glow. "His body is slowing down, he can still be okay." he reassures me.

I’ve seen this tone to his flame before; our first kiss, when he was almost snuffed out. I reach out my hand to test FP's temperature; it’s barely warmer than me.

"Doctor Prince!" Marshall calls to FP's original group, "We need you!"

Doctor Prince runs over next to Flame Prince, "Oh my," he leans in and presses around the shard of glass still dug into FP's abdomen. "Let's get him back to my office immediately and he may have a chance."

"Marshall," I start but he's way ahead of me, already scooping up FP into his arms, transforming into his bat and throwing Doctor Prince onto his back, "I'll be right behind you!" I yell as he takes off towards the ward. "Cake!"

It doesn’t take long for her to come bounding towards me, "What’s wrong, baby? Where's Marshall goin'?" She asks, obviously unaware.

"Flame Prince is hurt," I say in distress. I didn’t have to say more for Cake to get under me and start running after Marshall's figure above. I clutch The Book to my chest as a silent tear runs down my cheek. I have to resist asking The Book if this was all going to turn out alright, knowing it would be wrong.

It takes awhile for us to reach Doctor Prince's hospital, by the time Cake and I arrive, Marshall and the others must have been there for 5 minutes already. I leap off Cake's back and run through the double doors of the building, only to be caught by Marshall's waiting arms, "Shhh, it’s okay, they're taking care of him right now. Doctor Prince said he's going to be fine." He says but I can tell he's not telling the complete truth.

"What did he say EXACTLY?" I push for him to tell me.

"He's going to be fine." He says this time in a reassuring way, still not telling me what I want.

I look him straight in the eye, "Marshall..." I say, on the verge of begging.

He looks away and states, "They've never worked on a Fire Elemental before, they're not sure how much they can do for him." I’m silent in his arms; unable to comprehend, or rather, refusing to comprehend. "All we can do is wait, they said."

I let this sink in, but then I’m struck by a thought, "The Fire Kingdom! They have doctors; they should know what to do!" I try to break out of his arms, but he holds me back.

"They've already called up the Fire Kingdom to ask what to do; it would take too much time to transport him or bring a doctor here from there. Fi, don’t worry, he'll be fine." his grip loosening and becoming a reassuring hug; but this doesn’t settle my worry. "Come on, let’s go it in the waiting room." He guides me over to the side room filled with empty chairs.

The walls were bare, plain white except for spots where the wall paper has aged or had been stained by water. We settle down into the falsely, comfy looking seats and mentally prepare for a long wait.

Cake comes in a while later with several others from our group and fills in the seats around us, but they leave a one to two seat barrier around us, for which I am grateful.

The sun begins to peek above the horizon outside the window, which the people near there conceal behind the blinds for us, but only perpetuating the unchanging moment of time we seemed to be trapped in.

It was noon when a slightly charred Doctor Prince came into the room. Everyone stood up with bated breath, waiting for the words resting on his lips. I step forwards slightly, feeling most responsible for him and what happened; Marshall follows right behind me. "Flame Prince's elemental matrix has been thrown off but other than that he will be fine," The crowd collectively sighs relief and my hand unclenches Marshall's, unaware I was grasping his tightly to begin with. "He just needs some rest and he'll be good as new." He begins to walk away and everyone begins to chat lightly between each other. "Oh, Fionna," Doctor Prince calls back to me, "he asked to talk to you." He gestures for me to follow him. I look to Marshall; he lets go of my hand and I follow doctor Prince behind the swinging double doors.

We pass many closed doors where, through small rectangular windows, I can see various patients resting in their beds. The pasty colors, and sanitary air in the hallway makes me almost uneasy.

Eventually we come to another set of double doors, propped open, at the end of the hallway. Doc Prince nods for me to go in and walks off, leaving me on the brink of the doors. I lean in to try to see if I can look in without opening the doors. I spy a faint glow from within, "Flame Prince?" I say quietly, I open the door slowly.

"Fionna...?" he sits up on his metallic bed sheets to look at me, "Come in, please," he still sounds weak and his dim flame confirms my hunch.

I walk into the room, noticing it’s bigger than the others down the hall. 'Perks of being a prince' I think to myself. "You said you wanted to see me?" I pull up a chair to his bedside.

He looks down and off to the other side of the room, "Yeah, I, I just wanted to make sure you knew I was fine and none of this is your fault," his eyes wander back to mine.

"Are you sure you're fine? Everyone keeps saying you'll be 'fine', are you really?" I have to ask.

He laughs, "If they keep me on this amount of meds while I heal, yeah, I'll be alright." He chuckles some more which brings a smile to my own face. "They say my 'elemental matrix is off' due to my heat core being damaged." He tries to explain.

"Heat core?"

He nods, "Yeah, here," he pulls back his covers and shows the bandages wrapped tightly around his abdomen. He takes my hand and places it gently on the bandaged area, "You see, fire elemental's heat radiates from a central core, mine of which has been damaged, causing my energy and temperature to be..." he trails off and notices my hand in his, he jerks it away out of habit, "lower...” His eyes narrow, "I'm sorry, I wasn’t even thinking... did I burn you?" His voice full of concern.

"No," I answer truthfully, not even had realized the potential for burns in our casual contact.

He seems stunned, "May I?" He looks pointedly at my hand; I nod slightly to give permission. He uses both his hands now to pick up my right hand and seem to carefully examine it. He turns my hand over and over in his, playing with my fingers; "Huh, I should get stabbed more often." He jokes and I try to hold back a smile, not to encourage him. "So this is what you really feel like," he simply comments.

I know what he means, he can feel me but I can now feel his skin on mine also. His hand is still warmer than mine, it’s also smooth like glass but still soft like my own skin. "This is weird," I blurt out, regretting it immediately.

He laughs, "I was just thinking the same thing," he drops my hand and his goes to my cheek, brushing it ever so gently...


I nearly jump out of my seat at the sound of my name called from down the hall. I straighten myself out before Marshall bursts in the room, "There you guys are,"

"What wrong?" I ask frantically.

He catches his breath, "We've got company,"





((WRITER OF THE WEEK: "_ANIME_MANGA_"!!! they have a lot of stories that seems like they're just getting started, give them some love to keep 'em going :D

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What IS you favorite episode of Adventure Time? mine (besides 'Bad Little Boy') is... 'the vault' maybe? idk i cant choose! whats ur favorite episode, comment it below :)

ttyns!!! ))

Adventure Time with Fionna and Marshall (Fiolee)Where stories live. Discover now