[Chapter 2]: She's strange

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"I can't believe Aizawa lied to us about getting expelled if we got last of that test... I nearly had a heart attack..." You groaned, forehead plastered on your desk.

What an exhausting first day...

"You didn't do so well if I recall correctly, right (y/n)?" A voice called over from behind you. Sliding your face across the wood, your eyes fell upon the green haired girl.

"No, unfortunately..." You groaned. "You did pretty well, right uh... Asui was it?" You smiled gently. She returned that smile with her own.

"Call me Tsu."

"Mm! Okay, Tsu!"

"It was pretty easy given how versatile my frog quirk is. What about yours (y/n)?" She questioned curiously, pointer finger pushed against her lips. "I don't think I quite caught on to what your quirk is."

"I don't blame you. My quirks not very flashy." You chuckled. "It's called Suppressant. I can disrupt any kind of circuit I understand! For example!" You started excitingly. "In the entrance examination, I was able to deactivate the robots because I understood their electrical circuit."

"That's so cool (y/n)!" Another voice called over. It was Midoriya. He had talked to you briefly during the quirk apprehension test. You two had provided a bit of comfort to each other since you were both pretty nervous. "What else can your quirk do?!" He curiously questioned.

"Eh? Well, I can also shut off certain circuits within my own body. Like today during the test! I turned off certain neurotransmitters to pain receptors in my muscles. By doing this I don't feel fatigue or pain for a certain amount of time when performing physical tasks!"

"Sounds like a weak as fuck quirk if you ask me." A blond appeared from the door, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed at you. "I can't believe they let shit like you into UA."

"K-Kacchan... That's not very nice-"


"Bakugou right?" You grinned, practically ignoring his insult. "You were impressive in the quirk apprehension test today-"


He's got a strange attitude, to say the least.

"Ohhhhh I see! You must have some sort of weird superiority complex thing going on with Midoriya here!" You retorted nonchalantly.

"W-Wha- (Y/n), don't say things like that out of the blue..." Midoriya pleaded, practically shaking.

"You shitty girl..." Bakugou snarled under his breath. "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YO-"


Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Bakugou's eyes all shot down to your bag. Shit! Quickly you snatched it from the ground before the blond had a chance to apprehend it.

"Got something to hide you shitty girl?" He smirked. "Give it here." He held out his hand expectedly towards you, probably thinking you would just give in.

No way! I'm getting in trouble on the first day!

"Uhhhh I just remembered I have some important business to attend to!" You grinned, taking off not a moment later with your backpack in hand.

"HEY GET THE FUCK BACK HERE AND GIVE ME THAT SHITTY BAG!" Bakugou commanded, chasing after you.

"RUN (Y/N)!" Midoriya screamed out. "PLUS ULTRA!"

- - -

Dammit! I gotta make sure he doesn't find out about the kitten. He'd totally rat me out to the school after what I said!

Your eyes frantically darted around the hallway, desperately searching for a way to escape. Then they fell upon it. Todoroki, one of the few people you knew.

"TODOROKI!" You screamed, practically barreling into him. The poor boy didn't say anything, he just had a really puzzled expression plastered across his face. "I KNOW WE DON'T KNOW EACH OTHER VERY WELL BUT I JUST REALLY NEED YOU TO HOLD THIS FOR A BRIEF SECOND!" You quickly muttered, pushing the small black kitten into his hands. "PLEASE I PROMISE I'LL PAY YOU BACK LATER, IT'S JUST THIS BEAUTIFUL CINNAMON ROLL IS AT RISK AND MUST BE PROTECTED!" Todoroki didn't even get a chance to utter a single word before you had shoved him into the nearest supply closet.

By the time Bakugou had made it around the corner, you were already holding your back in his direction.

"Go ahead and perform your inspection!" You announced boldly. "I'm innocent I assure you! I just have really weird sneezes!"

The seething blond's eyes narrowed as he snatched the bag roughly from your grip. He practically dumped all of its contents onto the floor like the asshole he was. Then with a final click of his tongue, he groaned and chucked the empty bag onto the floor before you. With a sigh of relieved, you picked all your school supplies up before turning your attention back towards the closet.

"Todoroki?" You quietly called out, cracking the door open and peeking in. The boy was sitting with his back against one of the walls. The kitten was resting softly in his lap and nestling against Todoroki's chest. And his face; It was warm and soft, unlike the expression you had experienced earlier. Walking over to him, you lowered down to his level and sat back on your heels. "You know, they say animals are really good at interpreting the character of a person." You smiled.

"Is that so..." He softly responded, holding the kitten back out to you. "I think Kuro just likes everyone..."

Kuro huh?

"Todoroki," You chuckled. "You do realize that Kuro just means black, right?"

"I just needed to call him something since we were locked in this closest together. I don't care what his name is." He coldly retorted.

"Nah. I like Kuro." You grinned, running your fingers through Kuro's fur. "Thanks for helping me. If you ever need a favor just let me know Todoroki!"

He didn't respond, but he didn't need to so long as he accepted your gratitude.

When you made your way to your feet, you once against tucked the kitten into your jacket. Slinging your backpack over your shoulders, you bowed your head down towards the boy.

"Well! I'll be off for the day! I'll see you in class tomorrow Todoroki!"

And with that, you were gone.

Todoroki didn't move from that spot for a while. Instead, he fiddled with his thumbs with a perplexed look. Before he even bothered getting up, he muttered a simple phrase to himself.

"(Y/n)... She's strange."

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