[Chapter 8]: Angel

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"It's cold..." Todoroki mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Where are we going anyway?"

"A bar." You grinned. You skipped along beside him, puffing our air and watching it crystallize as it left your mouth.

"Aren't you too young to drink?"

"I'm not going there to drink." You giggled. "I guess you could say I have a commitment tonight. I'm also meeting Ai there."

"That woman... She's rude." He muttered.

"I know she comes off like that, but she's just protective of me is all. Ai's kinda like my big sister." You reassured.

"She's a little old to be your big sister." Todoroki scoffed.

"Oh, she's 18."

"... She's... only 18?"

"Yup. It doesn't surprise me that you thought otherwise." Your lips curled down a bit. "She's... been through more than any 18 years old should have to deal with." Todoroki watched your face closely, curious about your sour expression. But he opted to not pry any further.

- - -

"We're here!" You exclaimed, pointing at the bright neon sign that read 'The Rusty Mug'.

"It looks like a dump." The boy stated plainly.

"That's because it IS a dump!" You chuckled, giving him finger guns.

Between the mostly blocked off windows and lack of a proper entrance it most definitely looked sketchy. You walked up to the back entrance and pulled on the door handle.

"Wait." Todoroki sternly said, suddenly gripping your wrist. The motion surprised you a bit.

"What is it? What's wrong?" You questioned.

"Are you sure about this? Just look around at where we are." His gaze could almost pierce through you. It was beautiful. Your eyes softened at his concern.

"Todoroki." You placed your hand on top of his. "I'm in class 1-A at UA for a reason. You don't need to worry about me, okay?" You didn't smile, rather peering at him with an unwavering intensity. Finally, he bent.

"Okay." He muttered.

"... So, you uh... gonna let go of me?" You chuckled, awkwardly rubbing the back of your head. It took him a moment to realize you were referring to his hand still tightly gripping your wrist. He pulled away in a hurry.

"S-Sorry..." Todoroki mumbled, looking away slightly.

He's so cute it's killing me.

"It's okay! Besides!" You started, cracking the door open. "There's nothing to worry about here-"

"(Y/N) MY DARLING I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!" A large man shouted, quickly scooping you up and pulling you inside.

Todoroki was startled by your sudden disappearance. He quickly followed inside ready for a fight only to be met by the sight of the large, femininely dressed man rubbing his cheek against yours.

"Ranka, please put me down... You're embarrassing me..." You huffed in frustration.

"Whoopsy, my bad (y/n)! You're just so cute I can't help it!" He laughed, voice dramatically bellowing through the hallway. Ranka put you down, causing you to wipe the makeup that had smeared onto your face.

"Todoroki, this is Ranka. He's the owner of this bar and a close friend of my mother." You sighed, gesturing to the large man next to you. "He's also a drag queen."

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