[Chapter 16]: Test

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"(Y/n)? What happened? Are you alright?" Tsuyu calmly questioned from her desk.

She didn't receive an answer. Your forehead was glued to the table with arms splayed over its edges. Just sitting still in class for a few minutes caused your brain to shut down completely from how exhausted you were.

"I think she's asleep..." Jiro mumbled.

"(Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N)!" Mina yelled with waving arms.

"WHAT?!" You seemingly sprung back to life, eyes darting around in a puzzled manner. "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!"

"SHUT UP, YOU'RE LOUD!" Bakugou snarled back at you.

"You're being louder than (y/n), Bakugou." Tsu pointed out.

"YOU TOO FROG GIRL!" He angrily retorted.

"You've been practicing with Todoroki a lot, haven't you?" Izuku asked with concerned eyes. "That must be exhausting."

It was true. Todoroki had high expectations for you and held you to them. It wasn't often for either of you to slack. The only real reason you had yet to ask for a break was because you honestly didn't want to miss spending the day with him.

It was an internal struggle that you were fighting. You knew you shouldn't crave the proximity, you knew you should push it down, but your desires were getting the better of you.

"Not at all!" You grinned. "I barely feel it!"

"Didn't you fall down the stairs yesterday (y/n)?" Tsuyu questioned.

"I'm just clumsy, that's all!"

"Your leg buckled."

A visible sweat droplet formed on your brow.

"Uhhhh that was..."

"(Y/N) YOU MUST REMAIN IN GOOD HEALTH OTHERWISE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO COMPETE AT ALL!" Iida passionately intervened with various hand motions.

"Noisy..." Todoroki muttered as he finally opened the door just a few minutes before the bell rang.

"Good morning Todo!" You smiled towards him.

"Good morning." He echoed in his usual fashion. He walked by your desk and halted for a moment. "Is that drool?"

Your heart stopped as you shifted your gaze towards your desk, noticing the impressive pool you had created.

"That's not mine."

"But this is your desk."

"... I cannot deny that statement..."

"(Y/n) feel asleep on her desk." Tsu revealed.

Todoroki's lips parted slightly and his eyes grew soft.

"Are you tired? Perhaps you should just go home for the day-"

"NO!" You blurted unknowingly. "Ehhh I mean, I'm seriously fine Todo!" You whined much more softly.

"Her legs gave out on the stairs yesterday too." Tsu once again added.

Dang it. Tsu I adore you but whyyyyyy...

"It's obvious you need a recovery day." Todoroki huffed, taking his seat next to yours. "We'll pick up again tomorrow."

"I suppose you're right..." You sighed with a small frown.

"Why don't you guys just study in the library instead. (Y/n) can try to learn about some new circuits to utilize and give her body a break." Your green-haired friend offered.

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