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It was a new day. Sunlight comes in through the window behind my bed. Birds chirp melodiously and I look outside the window to see squirrels jumping around. Looking at the sun reminded me of the person that entered my life yesterday. Seulgi brightens up my dark life, making me forget about the dark past and focus on the present.


After I get ready, I bid my grandmom goodbye and walk out the door. I was wearing an off white sweater with some skinny jeans and boots with a beanie. I don't usually wear clothes like this but I really want to impress Seulgi.

"You romantic piece of shit! Your speech on Instagram about me made me cry" Seulgi yelled after she saw me

I smile in response, not sure if I should've said anything.

"So you walking to school? Want me to give you a ride?" She smirked at me

"I'm going by my cycle today." I say, pointing in the direction of my bicycle.

"that's great! Race you to school?" Seulgi said while hopping on to her seat.

"wait! Lemme get my cycle!" I ran towards my vehicle

The moment I climb onto the seat, she starts counting, not letting me get ready

"5,4,3,2,1 GO!" And she started pedaling faster than the speed of light.

I was being left behind. She looked back at me and slowed down her pace to have some mercy on me.

"c'mon slowpoke! Show me what ya got!" She yelled

"Seulgi! I'm not used cycling fast! I cycle slowly while going to school." I make up an excuse to slow her down. She glared at me for a few moments and then sighed.

"okay fine. You're at least gonna have to cycle at my speed." She said.

I pouted to let her know I wasn't happy with it but before she could open her mouth to say anything, I said,"Okay fine, just...please don't leave me alone." That sounded really desperate but I really didn't want Seulgi to be mad. She could just leave our friendship.


Not long after that, we reached school. Yeri, Joy and Irene were waiting for us at the main entrance. They never did that for me so I'm pretty sure it was because Seulgi was with me. I didn't mind it though, they were there with me for the whole of lunch break.

We went inside the cafeteria to get our breakfast. We kept our bags on a table so that other people may know that it was occupied. I looked around once to get a look at the cafeteria and noticed a guy eyeing Seulgi. I squinted my eyes to see who it was.


Jimin is the kind of guy who'd date a person for a week and then let them be. I won't call him a playboy but he does say yes to every confession he gets. This is probably the first time he's the one going to be confessing...or that is what I assumed.

After getting our eatables, we took our seats. "We saw your Instagram posts yesterday and now I ship you guys" Joy said. "LOL I thought I was the only person who shipped you guys." Irene added. I gave out a forced and nervous laugh. I noticed Seulgi doing the same while glaring at me. What will Seulgi think now?

"Oh, by the way, I saw Jimin looking at us. I'm dang sure he's after one of us." Yeri said. "And I'm dang sure he's after Seulgi." Irene added, making Seulgi choke on her milk. She coughed a bit and then looked at Irene with a scared expression.

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