Our first kiss - 2d

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What a great day it had been. Myself and my best friend 2D had spent the entire day together, along with the rest of the band of course.

We had spent the day at a theme park, eating nothing but junk food and enjoying ourselves, maybe apart from Murdoc... despite the grumpy look on his face, I'm positive that he really did enjoy himself.

Noodle on the other hand had a great time, dragging us all on the huge rollercoasters, she was pretty hyperactive from all of the sugar she had whilst there. She would laugh at all of our reactions from the ride photos, especially 2Ds, but even I have to admit, they were pretty funny.

Murdoc was driving us back home, the radio playing in the background as we all made small conversation, I was in the backseat inbetween 2D and Noodle.

"Am I dropping you off Y/N" Murdoc asked, making eye contact with me through the mirror in the car  he was about to turn towards the Neighbourhood of my house, 2D shook his head at me with a grin,

"No, lets kidnap her" He joked while wrapping both of his arms around mine, suggesting that I should spend the night at theres.

"I guess not, looks like I'm spending the night"
I confirmed, noodle cheered in an excited voice.

"Yeyyy a sleepover!" She squealed. I pulled an excited face to her as she gave me a hug.

"Should of guessed really" Murdoc grumbled as he passed by my neighbourhood.

After a few more minutes of driving, We pulled up to the house. It felt pretty good to get out of the cramped car and to give my legs a good stretch.

Russel unlocked the door, straight away, almost simultaneously, we all kicked off our shoes as our feet were exhausted from walking around all day.

"That feels so much better" 2D commented in an exhausted sounding tone. I nodded in agreement with a look of relief on my face.

We went upstairs to put on our pjs. Noodle leading the way giggling.

"I'm going to put on my best pyjamas!" She squealed, she was pretty cute when she was excited like this.

I walked behind 2D into his room, it was pretty clean for 2Ds standards.

"I'll take the couch" I sighed slightly, hoping 2D would say something to convince me otherwise.

"We always share blankets on the couch, I'm sure sharing the bed for the night is fine too." He smiled. His response was so clean, like he's rehearsed it, it caught me off guard but I sure as hell wasnt complaining.

2D and I were friends, great friends, close friends, whatever you wanted to call it. We both knew a romance would blossom very soon, or at least I hoped for it. We hadn't looked at each other that way at first but after a while, the more I realised how alike we were. How much was clicked, plus, he was a pretty boy.

"If you insist" I couldn't help but grin. "You got a shirt I could wear for the night?" I added.

I began to undress, removing my t shirt and standing in my sports bra, 2D stood watching me, his face seemed absolutely mesmerised, I got a sudden wave of butterflies. I snapped out of it and clicked my finger in his face.

"Anyone in??" I joked, smiling.

"Uh...uh yeah, here" He scurried around the drawer throwing me a plain grey t shirt.

He hoped I hadn't caught him, but he knew I had. I threw on the shirt, it was down to my knees almost. I smiled as I looked in the mirror, I looked kinda goofy but it was comfortable.

"This is definitely a look" I commented, spreading my arms as the shirt draped off my body.

"I think you suit it" 2D remarked with an adorable look on his face. I laughed slightly and smiled.

We wandered downstairs into the living room, middle was already downstairs sitting cross legged on the sofa. As we walked in she gestured for us to sit down beside her, handing 2D a video game controller.

We sat downstairs for an hour or so, with a hot drink, chatting and laughing at 2D loosing to noodle on their video game.

After a while of being downstairs, everyone said their goodnights and went up to bed. I put noodle to bed that night after she asked me to, Iv never seen her so happy. I gave her a kiss on her forehead, she said she loved me as I left the room, I told her I did too.

After putting her to bed, I walked back into 2Ds room. He was stood up sitting some things out. He looked up as I came in,

"Do you want the wall side or the other side?" He asked with a grin on his face. A smile appeared on my lips,

"Wall side" I confirmed as I walked over and crawled into his bed. It was surprisingly comfortable. He climbed in after me after he turned off the big light, leaving the lamp beside his bed on.

I made myself comfortable, as I did that, I moved closer to 2D, he didn't object, he let me get closer to him, he didn't touch me at first, unsure of how I might react,

"Cold?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Uh huh" I confirmed, nodding my head. he wrapped his arms long around me. It surprising felt so safe and warm, and yet so...right. It was comforting.

I buried my face in his chest, trying my best to hide my smile, which was accompanied with butterflies in my stomach again, it was becoming a regular feeling and I never wanted it to leave. After a while of silence, we were both becoming sleepy.

"2d?" I asked in a quiet and tired voice.

"Yeah?" He whispered in response.

"I love you"

It just fell out. I stopped, realising what I said. It was like everything had stopped for a moment, I'd tensed up, waiting in horror for some kind of response. 2Ds grip on my didnt loosen, he didn't push away or react for a moment, but when he did, he held tighter,

"I love you too" He answered, no stuttering or hesitation. Like he had said it to me before, many times to be exact,

"Kiss me" He asked. I looked up at him, asking myself if I heard him correctly, a serious look on his face. Without really thinking about it, we leaned in and kissed each other.

I kissed him back. Our lips interlocked, it felt so right, my hand on the skin of his cheek, I didn't want to pull away, but when I did I just looked at him and giggled from nerves,

"That was our first kiss together" 2d said, we were both kinda shocked that it hadn't happened sooner,

"It was great" I smiled. Burying my face back in his chest and tried to sleep. Happy.

Gorillaz imagines, one shots and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now