Hes hurting her-2D

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Before this starts, YES HELLO IM BACK IV MISSED YOU ALL❤️❤️
But this imagine is once again a very real and touchy subject, Y/n is In an abusive relationship that the band don't know about. So if you choose to read then I hope you enjoy, if you don't, I completely understand, just a warning❤️

Song inspiration-Will he-Joji
"I don't need to know, I just wanna make sure your okay, I don't need to know, I just wanna make sure you're all safe"
"Will you notice my charm if he slips up one bit"


Y/n is coming over today, it's weird how little Iv seen of her ever since she got with that Jerk, Mark. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her at all...I miss her, imagine my feelings when she got with him, I love that girl to pieces and I just didn't know how to tell her, I lost my chance I guess.

There was a knock at the door then someone entered the house.

"It's me" a familiar voice called out.

it was Y/N. I smile grew on my face as the rest of the band smiled too, she walked into the living room after she took off her shoes.

she was wearing a long hoodie...she didn't look great actually, she looked tired, and maybe even a little pale and her phone was clutched tightly in her hand, but everyone including myself pushed it to the back of our minds and tried to ignore it.

"Hey guys, it's been so long" she smiled, her smile seemed...dare I say fake?

"Y/N! How Iv missed you" noodle smiled,

"It's been a while dollface" Russel smiled as they did there own little hand shake thingy,

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" Murdoc smiles engulfing her in his arms as she grinned, she settled into his embrace and hugged back.

"Hey Luv" I greet her after she pulls away. she smiles...she looked exhausted.

"Hey dude" she answered, almost a relieved voice. I pulled her in and we hugged. She held me tightly.

After a while of sitting on the couch and talking about what we had been up to, I had noticed her phone was going off a lot, she was ignoring it until she put it on do not disturb. An Almost terrified look spread across her face.

"So how's mark Y/N" Russel politely asked with a kind smile,

"He treating ya right?" Murdoc cackles. She fidgeted In her places as she jiggled her leg,

"Yeah..he's fine, so what else have you been doing?" She asked, completely dodging the question, I didn't like this...not one bit, something was so wrong.

About an hour later, Y/N left, the band and myself didn't like this, something was wrong,

"Somethings wrong and I don't like it" noodle frowned,

"She seemed a bit on edge" Russel confirmed,

"Maybe she's just not feeling great" Murdoc adds, knowing that wasn't the case.

No one heard from Y/N until a few days later, and I'll always Remember the day, it was hard to push out of my head.

It was about 1am, the house was sleeping, including myself and Murdoc for a change, the Cranky Bastard always sleeps at the most inconvenient times.

I was sleeping, I was probably dreaming too, I was woke up by a

*thump* *bang* *bang*

"SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE" I heard a voice yell. I jumped up from my bed and ran to the landing to see where the noise was coming from, it sounded muffled but close by.

*bang* *thump*

"LET ME IN PLEASE" it was someone at the door and I could recognise the voice, but why couldn't I pin point it.

at this point the rest of the band had joined me on the landing, being woken up by the same noise. We all looked at each other before rushing downstairs.

We all ran to the door, Noodle fumbled with the keys trying to shove them in the door to unlock it. The door swung open.

It was y/n. Her face, oh my god her face, her nose was bleeding, and her eye was purple along with a cut on her head. Her arms were bruised and she was uncontrollably crying. Iv never seen someone so terrified.

She ran into the house without hesitation. Everyone was so shocked as she cried and screamed, she was frantic as could not calm down.

Murdoc grabbed hold of her, bear hugging her and getting her to sit on the floor so she couldn't hurt herself along with noodle trying to calm her down,

"It's okay love, your safe now, it's alright" Murdoc whispered to her as he held her so closely to him. she was sobbing as she clutched into him.

I was so angry as I knew who had done this, I knew we shouldn't of ignored the signs,

"Y/N did he do this to you" I ask, my voice sounded weak, I was terrified, she knew what I was talking about, she nodded frantically still unable to calm herself.

"He's been chasing me in his car, i had to jump in peoples gardens, I jumped over fences and went im back ally's to get here, I ran so fast I'm so scared he's gonna kill Me" she was screaming as she was crying, choking on her words.

Russel Murdoc and noodle tried so hard to sooth her but she wouldn't calm down. I stood there, helpless.

After calling the police and y/n gave the police everything they needed, she spent the night at ours, she wanted to sleep in bed with me which, of course I didn't mind,

"The argument was because I wanted to break up with him...I wanted to come here more often and because I realised I like someone else, of course I didn't tell him that" she began, that familiar heart sinking feeling returned again.

She put on one of my shirts and I noticed all the bruises on her body, they were everywhere. Big and purple splotches. I didn't bring it up, but I knew they must of hurt.

"Who do you like?" I asked from curiosity, she put her head down and sighed,

"I was an idiot, I should of just told them how I felt, then this wouldn't of happened" She answered, once again, crushing my heart...why cant she see how much I love her,

"Come on who" I ask, she looks me in the eyes,

"You" I went numb for a moment, before smiling widely, but then feeling guilty as this wouldn't of happened if I had said before. I kissed her cheek,

"You should of told me" I sigh,

"I know"

If course she didn't sleep that night, we stayed up. She's moving in tomorrow, and they found mark, she won't be seeing him again.

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