Im not very good with words-murdoc

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Song inspiration-Amarillo-gorillaz
"Put a little love into my lonely soul"

The day had gone by. I was sat with Murdoc in the living room. I looked at the time, 11pm, I should get going.

Everyone else was upstairs, it was just me and him, alone. He's my best friend, but I wanted more, he has mentioned it on drunk occasions that he loves me too, drunk people speak the truth...right? But I never took him seriously. I wouldn't get my hopes up.

"It's getting late, I have to get going" I sighed as I stood from the couch,

"Aw, see you tomorrow?" He asked, I could see in his face he was begging for a yes,

"Of course you will, can't get rid of me that easy"I joke with a wide smile. His lips curved into a smile.

We walk to the door after reluctantly making a move from the sofa, I slip on my shoes and jacket,

"See you tomorrow" I say as I open the door,

"Oh wait" Murdoc jumps, "I actually have something for you" he runs up the stairs and to his room, I cock my head as he comes back down holding a blue tinted CD case,

"Listen to this on your car ride home" He implied. I didn't as questions, I smiled and took the case from him,

" a new song ive been working on, it's something I can't express" he stated. "I need your opinion"

"Thanks, I'll come over tomorrow and tell you my thoughts." I say as I walk out the door,

"Cya love" I heard as I walked towards my car.

After I had got into my car and sorted myself out, I took the Cd case off the chair. I opened it hesitantly.

There was something written on the CD in black marker, I was shocked when I read it. 'I'm not very good with words...But 2D is!" I smiled so wide, what could be on this disc? I shoved it into the stereo and began to drive.

I was unfamiliar with the song, the start seemed normal, maybe even happy. Until the song continued, it became clear Murdoc wanted to tell me something. The lyrics began, they didn't stand out at first. But when they did, I realised I had been an idiot not to say anything to him,

'The sun has come to save me, put a little love into my lonely soul'

For some reason, the lyrics hit me like a bus. I forgot I was driving for a moment, my stomach dropped. It was beautiful, the lyrics stood out. This was aimed for me.

Tears began to well up in my eyes. The lyrics sounded like he was desperate for some kind of affection and love. I didn't know he truly felt like this. I thought fuck it and turned back in the direction of their house.

'Oh don't you know indeed her loving you"
They continued. I wanted to get there as fast as I could. I drove with difficulty as the tears fell.

After a while I had arrived back. I waited for a moment, wiped the tears that escaped. I got out of my car, hands in my pockets and walked to the door. I knocked, only a few times and waited until someone opened. Murdoc opened.

He was surprised to see me, in fact, I don't think he had fully processed who it was as I just flung my arms around him. I was weeping, I'm not really sure why, but I was. Murdoc hugged back, as if it was natural instinct. His arms worked their way around my waisted. His arms pulled me into the door as he closed it behind him.

I pulled away from him as he shut the door behind me, revealing my makeup stained face in the light,

"Why didn't you tell me sooner" I said in a shaky voice, his eyes drooped as he shrugged his shoulders,

"I guess I was scared of your reaction" He simply responded,

I sigh as I took his shirt in my hands. Pulling him towards me and placing my lips on his, as if I was testing the waters. But of course, Murdoc kissed back, causing me to interlock lips with him. His fingers found there way into my hair and a hand around my waist. We pulled away and laughed slightly,

"Can I stay the night?"I asked in a quiet tone, with a little smile as I bit my lip. And with that he nods, taking my hand as he led me upstairs.

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