Falling for U-Noodle

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Song inspiration-falling for U-peachy ft mxmtoon
"I was surprised when I found out I'd fallen for you"
"I cant help it, I'm falling for you"

I was with her in her room one day. We were sat on her bed, listening to music, enjoying the company of each other. I watched her as she hummed the tune of the song currently playing. It was then that a i realised I had fallen for her. Wait? Am I gay? I must be Gay? Bisexual? Did noodle from gorillaz make me realise my sexuality?

I didn't want it to be true I thought for a moment, I could loose her, I simple "I'm falling for you" could ruin our friendship. I had drifted away for a moment,
"Y/N snap out of it" noodle giggled as she clicked her fingers to get my attention. I looked up at her, the butterflies buzzed in my stomach. I weakly smiled at her,
"Sorry I was just daydreaming" I respond, moving the hair from my face, now avoiding eye contact with her,
"What about" she asked. Looking a little bit concerned, but maybe it was just curiosity. I looked right into her eyes for a moment, hesitant. I stuttered for a moment,
"O-h Nothing, just...random thoughts" I lied. I felt a little bit stupid, I wanted to admit it so bad, I wanted to scream it, cry, yell. I wanted her attention, I wanted her to feel the same.  I turn to face the bed I was sat on,
"Okay..." noodle replied, rather awkwardly. I wanted to cry. My stupid self wouldn't allow these feelings to slip out.

The day had passed by normally. Maybe it's best I keep these feelings concealed. Maybe it's best I ignore it and push it away. But I was falling and noodle couldn't catch me as she seemed to be so unaware. Everything she said to me that day made me smile. I wanted to wrap my arms around her so bad.

At about 10pm I had to leave, she walked me downstairs to the door,
"I'll see you tomorrow" she smiled,
"Indeed you will" I faked a smile back to her. I walked towards my car. I got inside and rather violently rested my head against the steering wheel, why much this be so hard.

Lil bit short I'm sorry :( ❤️

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