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"Are we certain we made the right choice by asking her to join the Council?"

"For the last time Makortax, yes, she will do fine in the position." The fae king sighed at his friend.

Makortax glanced around the room at the other Members seeing similar expressions on their faces. "We do not know that she will be able to handle the pressures. She is still young, what happens if she strays from the path, Torlak?" His eyes came back to rest on the fae king. 

"Urissa did not have a happy ending as we all know. Mara is potentially more powerful then her ances-"

"That is enough!" The vampire woman stood from her chair, her brown eyes bored into Makortax's. "Urissa did not fall because she turned down the wrong path, she became consumed by her oath to do whatever necessary to protect this world. Her power was her downfall, yes, but it was not because she was consumed by it. It was because she was consumed by her need to use it to save our world and make it a better place."

"Lillian, we all know that isn't all that happened." The werewolf king challenged the vampire.

"What do you know Makortax? You only have the stories passed down from your great grandfather, I was there." Lillian's eyes darkened out of anger and the room became still.

Makortax cleared his throat before pushing on in his cause.

"She is still a teenager and still in school. She knows nothing of our world and she possesses powers greater than she can comprehend, greater than even we can comprehend. She could turn into a threat just as quickly as the Nightshades." His voice faltered at the name given to the creatures who have turned their backs on their own kind. 

Torlak walked over to his friend looking him straight in the eyes.

"We have an instructor in place to teach Mara the ways of our world. She will resume her class work and continue to improve her powers." 

"She is much like Urissa in her compassion for others. She puts their needs before her own, and she proved that by leaving for the safety of the students at Shadow's Edge." Lillian cut in.

She looked at each Member in turn. "I have no doubt that she will become a skilled, wise leader much like her great, great grandmother. She just needs the training and the time, she will grow into this role nicely. It could very well be the best decision the Council has made in quite some time."

He saw there was no way he could change their minds. They all chose to ignore the fact that there was a chance Mara could become uncontrollable. He excused himself, turning on his heels and storming out of the room.

"So we are in agreement that Mara Crowland will keep the position offered to her?" Lillian asked glancing around the room, her eyes met with nods from the rest of the Council representatives. 


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