Chapter 21- Intense

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Mara turned her head so she was looking back at Marx. She had been curious about the bond ever since Trixle had mentioned it.

"I would like to know more, yes." Mara said, trying to hide the full extent of her curiosity. 

"Well," Marx started. "There are a couple steps to it."

"What would those steps be?" 

Marx sat quietly for a moment, trying how to best describe what had to be done in order to start the process. 

He leaned down to whisper in her ear once more. "Blood." 

The way he said it made Mara shiver and her nose wrinkle. What did he mean by 'blood'? Was it like the blood oath she had taken when she joined the High Council?

"What do you mean blood?" Mara asked, not able to hide her slight disgust. 

"The blood that runs through our veins is part of what makes us, us." As he spoke, Marx's left hand grabbed Mara's, turning it so her palm was facing both of them. He ran his fingers lightly across her skin, following the bluish tint of her veins as he spoke. 

"It's like our life force - our essence - everything that is us moves through here. The mate bond is essentially combining two essences, two beings, two souls, into one." 

Mara watched Marx's hand move along her wrist, felt his gentle caresses against her skin, as his words hypnotized her. 

"Wolves are carnivores creatures by nature, surviving off the meat and blood of weaker animals." The sudden shift in Marx's tone made Mara feel self-conscious about her exposed veins. She knew Marx would never do anything to harm her; but talking about blood and weaker prey made her nervous. There was no way she would be able to win against a wolf, especially one as large as a werewolf if it decided to turn on her.

"So it's only fitting that blood be in the process. It's been said that the joining of the blood of mates starts the link of a strong bond. To mingle the two in an inseparable way, linking the two people together. Once the bond is formed it cannot be undone." Marx sat silently, letting the information soak in. 

"That sounds... permanent." Mara said after a long moment. 

Marx let out a low rumbling of laughter. "Yes, it is permanent. Once the bond is formed there is no going back."

"Is there ever any going back, even before the bond is formed?" Mara wondered aloud. After giving into her feelings and giving them a chance, Mara couldn't even dream of going the other way. Wherever she went in the future, she had assumed Marx would always be right beside her. She couldn't imagine anyone being able to walk away from their mate once they had found them. 

"Believe it or not, it has happened before." Marx said gravely as if reading her thoughts. "It doesn't happen often, it is extremely rare, and often times those who have parted fall into a depression." 

Mara cringed at that, wondering how someone could put themselves through that much pain. 

"What does the bond mean exactly?" Mara asked trying to shift the subject away from the devastating thought.

"Like I said, it is like joining the two souls. There are some abilities that come with it as well." He started. "Like the familial bond, you can speak telepathically."

Mara snapped her head around quickly, remembering the day back in the Scantlen castle. She had sworn Marx had spoken directly to her that day without saying anything out loud. 

"You did that." Mara accused him. 

Marx nodded. "I was able to do it for a brief moment, yes. I wasn't sure if it would work, less than a fourth of a percent of people are able to communicate before the formation of the bond, but I knew I needed to try."

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