Chapter 11- Surprise

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Mara's eyes snapped open when she was violently bounced into the air. She screamed as her body flailed about, trying to figure out what was going on. Finally she saw it at the end of her bed, something tall, thin, and magenta was bouncing on the bed causing her to fly about. 

"Are you awake now?" Trixle's singsong voice asked as she momentarily took a break from jumping. 

"I don't think anyone could sleep through that." Mara replied, slightly irritated at the way she was rudely woken up. She hadn't had the proper adjustment time to work her way back to consciousness and it was affecting her attitude. 

Taking a deep breath Mara sat up and stared at her friend. 

"So what was with the jumping?"

"Just wanted to have some company." Trixle said smiling evilly. 

Mara groaned and rolled over looking at the time. It was just after eight in the morning, normally neither of them was up at that time on the weekend. 

"I thought we could do some wandering around the kingdom before we go to pick up your dress at noon." Trixle said, making their early rising seem more suitable. 

Within an hour they were out walking around the different cottages and stores. Everyone smiled at Trixle as they walked by, but Mara couldn't help but notice their total aversion to her. If they were leery about a regular witch, she wondered what they would think knowing she was actually mixed with a bit of wolf. She decided she would prefer not knowing. 

They passed a small park where a group of kids, looking about twelve, were practicing their elemental gifts. Each fae has one element they are able to manipulate, and it appeared this group had one person for each element. 

They stayed back, watching as a small boy stared at the empty space between his hands until a glowing orb formed between his palms. The light steadily growing as his concentration increased. A girl backed up, bumping into the boy, and the orb flew from his hands hitting into the grass, which promptly caught fire. 

 Mara followed behind Trixle as she rushed over to the group. She had a hard time seeing what was happening, but it almost looked as if Trixle were sucking the water out of the surrounding plants, gathering it, then dispersing it over the singed, and burning grass. 

The kids watched in awe as she worked. Mara stepped around to get a better look, seeing dead vegetation where the water had come from, and the burnt circle in front of her friend. She then watched as Trixle held her hands over all the affected areas, bringing back their green color as well as bringing the flowers back to life. 

When she was done, she looked up at four pairs of eyes all gawking at her. They all knew the stories, that the royal family possessed all elemental gifts, but this was the first time any of them had ever witnessed it. 

"Fire," Trixle said, forming a small orb between her hands. "Is not something to be taken lightly. Those who possess this gift must practice extreme cautions at all times."

She watched as the boy who had the gift nodded shyly. 

"It can wield greatness." At that, the boy's eyes lighted up. "However, it can also bring about great destruction."

His face turned serious, meeting Trixle's eyes once more. 

"Our gifts are not meant to be played with, they are meant to be learned, yes, but you must always be cautious of how you are doing so.

"Water," she pulled it from the grass below again. "Wielding it, while it does save life as it did to the singed grass, you are also taking life." 

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