Chapter 24- Elegant Tears

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Telling Trixle about her father had been the hardest thing Mara had ever had to do. Trixle hadn't believed her as first; it couldn't have been true after all, her father was always supposed to be there with her. Marx and Emmett had been there for support for Trixle, as well as Mara, knowing full well both girls would need it.

Trixle had found it hard to look into the eyes of Marx and Emmett after they had refused to let her go with them. She had thought if she could have been there that maybe she would have been able to save her father. Mara shared Trixle's feelings with her own guilt of going after Zander instead of staying. 

Clarisse had already known what had happened through her bond to Torlak before anyone told her, but she had still found it impossible to believe. Feeling the emptiness in the absence of her husband had put her into a catatonic state. 

Even when the entire kingdom as well as family and friends had gathered for the funeral within the walls of the fae kingdom, Clarisse still kept to herself. Trixle and Mara had found it difficult to get her to do anything. The sight of Clarisse had broken the hearts of Trixle and Mara, seeing her in a state that was so different from her usual self.

She had seemed frail and broken, her outside appearance had been far from its usual put-together state, and she barely talked to anyone. Days that Trixle and Mara had gotten her to leave their house had only proved torturous for Clarisse when all she had wanted was the silence and comfort of her sanctuary. 

Mara had caught herself wondering what it would have been like if Marx had died. In their newly formed bond, she had been able to feel his pain, and he had felt hers. What would it have been like if she would have felt him die, felt the emptiness that his death would have left behind. It had helped her to grasp what Clarisse had been feeling, and she didn't blame the woman for her state. In fact, Mara had thought Clarisse brave for how she kept going, Mara wasn't sure she would have been able to do the same if she were in Clarisse's place. 

Clarisse knew that in the coming months, after Trixle's graduation, she would have taken over as queen of the fae per Torlak's word. However, Clarisse wasn't sure she would be fit to handle the duties in the time remaining. Faced with a decision to make, Clarisse had stepped down from her own position and named Trixle as queen. 

A week had passed since Trixle's mother had presented her with the title, and Mara sat among a crowd of millions, watching as her best friend took her first steps to become Trixle, Queen of the Fae. 

Mara squeezed Marx's hand, which was interlocked with her own, and she looked to her other side where Emmett was staring up at Trixle in adoration. A small smile crept onto her face as she saw the look on Emmett's. He had really been there for Trixle through everything following her father's death and she couldn't have been happier that Trixle had someone like him. 

Music sounded as Trixle and Clarisse stood center stage, Clarisse had insisted she be present with her daughter, and she be the one to crown Trixle. Mara looked up at her friend and their eyes met. Mara could see Trixle felt the same as she did in that moment, that it was bittersweet. It was the moment she had been looking forward to as a child, the one thing she had learned everything about. But Trixle never imagined it would happen under these circumstances. 

Trixle was the image of perfection and elegance in a floor length aqua gown with full length shimmering sleeves and her long magenta hair pulled into a partial braid down her back. 

As the ceremony went on, Mara couldn't help but focus in on certain words and questions that were asked of the soon to be queen. 

"Do you solemnly promise to uphold the ideals and act in the best interest of those under your rule?" Though Mara had heard variations of the same question, and had even been asked the question herself, the words seemed to hold new meaning in the aftermath of the battle. It made Mara wonder about her decision back in the forest. 

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