Chapter 2- The Oath

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Mara woke to the sound of birds chirping outside her window, she sighed glad that her nightmare had finally come to an end again. Her hand went to her throat, touching the scars left behind by the Nightshade that had attacked her.

She pulled her long hair over her shoulder, hiding the marks behind her golden curtain before getting dressed to attend her meeting with the High Council. Despite their reluctance, they had allowed her to go back to visit her friends for a week on the condition that she meet with them on her return to Shadow's Edge.

She looked over to Trixle's bed, seeing her friend still fast asleep. She tiptoed out of the room making sure to shut the door silently behind her before running down the stairs afraid of being late. She couldn't transport herself to the room because she wasn't entirely sure where she was going.

Mara looked down at the piece of paper in her hands with the instructions she had received from Torlak before she went back to Earth. She squinted at the words wishing Trixle's father had better handwriting when she ran into something.

Mara squeaked and stepped back, looking up into the face of none other than Torlak Scantlen himself. Mara let out a sigh and smiled at the friendly face.

"Boy am I glad I ran into you... Not literally of course." She paused trying to gather her words. "I mean I can't understand a single thing on here that you wrote. You really should work on your penmanship."

Torlak feigned hurt. "My writing is just fine." He said before smiling. "I figured you might have some trouble so I was coming to meet you. I just happened to find you more suddenly than I had thought."

"Well then, lead the way." Mara said sweeping down into an exaggerated bow.

The fae king made some remark that Mara didn't quite catch before leading her down the maze of hallways. Mara found it hard to believe that the school could have so many twists and turns, it seemed like one giant square. Then again, it could just be a magical illusion, the High Council wouldn't want anyone to stumble upon one of their meetings.

If it weren't for Mara, they wouldn't even hold their meetings at the institution, but they made an arrangement with Headmistress Varkov to let them use a room in exchange for not calling Mara off campus every time they called a meeting.

"Are you ready for your first official meeting as a Council Member?" Torlak asked with a sideways glance.

"You mean all those meetings over the summer weren't official ones?"

"Nope, today you take the oath of the Council and become a member in full."

Mara suddenly became nervous, she bit her lip as she felt her stomach do flips. She was going to take an oath, swear her loyalty to the Council and the people of this world. There would be no chance for second guessing her decision, after this meeting it would be final.

All too soon they stopped in front of the door, and Torlak rapped his knuckles on the wooden door in what sounded like a pattern. The door swung open freely and he stepped through the threshold with Mara right behind him.

The thick curtains were drawn on the large windows, and the room was lit only with an array of candles. Torlak turned, halting Mara where she stood before going off towards the wall on her left. She could see him moving about, but she couldn't tell what he was doing exactly.

When she looked around the room, she could see the faces of each Council Member lit by a candle in front of each of their faces.

Suddenly the door closed behind her.

"We have assembled here today as one to bring forth our newest initiate of our organization. It comes after the passing of one of our own, and although it is a sad time, it is also a time to rejoice in the future of the High Council." A deep voice rang out from in front of Mara, and although she strained her eyes, she was unable to find the source of the words.

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