Chapter 5- Council

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Trixle awoke to the sight of Mara thrashing on her bed, and she could see Sasha trying to wake her up to no avail.

"What's going on?" Trixle asked crossing the room.

"I'm not sure, something has been wrong all night, but it just started getting worse." Sasha said, staring intensely at Mara's flailing body.

Trixle tried shaking Mara by her shoulders but it had no impact. It appeared that her breaths were struggling and coming out short, almost as if she were having a hard time breathing. 

"Come on Mara, wake up. You're here with me at school." 

"Can you hold her down so I can get to her?" Sasha asked 

Trixle nodded and took a firm hold of both of Mara's arms, making her relatively still. Sasha went up to Mara's ear and leaned in whispering something. 

Suddenly Mara's eyes snapped open and she was gasping for air. Trixle immediately released her arms but Mara stayed where she was.

"What did you do?" Trixle asked Sasha.

"I have my secrets." Sasha replied flatly. Under other circumstances, Trixle may have pursued her question further.

Mara's hands flew to her throat where moments ago she had felt Zander's hands pressed tightly. Her mind was swirling, it was the first night she hadn't had the same nightmare, but now she missed it. Anything would be better than the thought of Zander coming back. 

"What happened?" 

Trixle's words snapped Mara out of her trance and she looked up at her friend. 

"Just a nightmare. A really bad nightmare." 

Trixle looked at her knowing there was more to the story.

"That was more than just a nightmare Mara."

Mara sighed and closed her eyes. 

"It was about Zander. He was in my room and then we were in this field." She paused as the sight of the entire High Council torn to pieces invaded her mind.

"Everyone was dead." She whispered.

"What do you mean?" Trixle asked, confused.

"I mean everyone was dead, Trix. The entire High Council, and he was trying to kill me too! Again." She shouted.

"Hey, it was just a dream okay? The Council is fine, and Zander is dead, remember?" Trixle tried to reassure Mara, but the fear was evident in her own voice. 

Mara nodded and started to get up, but she couldn't shake the feeling that things weren't quite right. 

Both girls got ready for school silently. From the corner of her eye, Mara could see Trixle throwing glances her way, but she never said anything. What is there to say to a person who just had a nightmare about their ex boyfriend killing everyone and trying to strangle them as well?

They went up the stairs towards their classrooms silently. When they reached the floor, Trixle turned to Mara. 

"I'll see you at lunch okay? We can talk more then if you want."

Mara just nodded and the two girls parted ways. 

When Mara reached the room for her first class she groaned as she saw Avaline already sitting at a chair waiting for her. 

She sat next to the girl and stared straight ahead trying to ignore her presence. The last thing she wanted to deal with today was the Ladies.

"So," Avaline started, turning towards Mara and looking at her expectantly.

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