Chapter 18- Rested

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"I was thinking," Lillian began, her hands clasped together and under her chin. "That instead of continuing your little tour, that we end it where it is. We only inform the school two days before hand anyway. Today's was obviously cancelled due to the situation last night, the rest can be taken care of easily enough."

Mara was relieved to hear Lillian didn't have some crazy absurd idea in mind, like to drain the blood of every person that refused to listen to her. 

"You could then resume your classes as usual, be a normal teenager again if only for a little while." The way Lillian said it was so matter-of-fact but something about it rubbed Mara the wrong way. Normal teenager Mara hadn't thought of herself as a normal teenager for quite some time, especially not since she discovered these powers. What classified as normal anyways? And how could she ever be normal when she was placed in such a powerful position. 

Mara wasn't normal, and there was no use pretending that she was. However, after the long week she had, there was no way she was going to turn down the opportunity to go back to her regular schedule. 

Torlak and Lillian discussed the next steps with Mara for those she had managed to sign on, and she had even been asked if she would like to go for the same training the others would have. Mara thought learning to fight would do more good for herself than harm, so she agreed to sit in and learn a few things herself. 

Torlak had said the werewolves would be taking over the combat training, and even though she had some doubts about taking lessons from Makortax's people, Mara kept her decision. 

 Mara left, going back up to her room feeling mentally and physically exhausted. When she walked in, she found Trixle already asleep, Sasha curled up at the back of Trixle's knee. Mara smiled and closed the door quietly before curling into her bed. 

The feeling was amazing, the soft mattress giving under her, welcoming her back after so long, the sheets with their warm, cozy embrace. Mara's entire body relaxed, her muscles that had been complaining just hours before now sighed with relief as she made her way into subconscious mind, and for once, it was dream free. 


When Mara finally started to wake up, she felt worlds better. She no longer felt tired or weighted down by stress, a full night's sleep was exactly what she needed. Her eyes fluttered open slightly and that's when she realized something was off. 

There was a nagging feeling at the back of her mind telling her something just wasn't quite right, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. 

When she rolled over and looked out the window it finally clicked. 

The sun shining in through the window was different. Not the color, but where it was shining, or more of where it wasn't shining. It normally filtered straight into the room, acting as a natural light, but now it was barely making its way in. 

Mara balked when she grabbed the clock to check the time, and saw that it was nearly noon. She sat up quickly and from the corner of her eye, saw a piece of paper flutter to the ground. 

               Turned your alarm off, you have the day to yourself. Enjoy it. 
                                                                                         Torlak and Lillian

Mara relaxed slightly as she looked at the words. They had given her another day off. She assumed that not many people at the school, at least her teachers even knew she was back yet. She was still supposed to be gone for a few days. They must have told Cecilia Varkov that she would be returning sooner than expected. 

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