Chapter 23- In The Woods

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A couple at a time, witches and their travel partners appeared in the woods around Mara, Torlak, and Lillian. Before they had left, everyone had been told what their roles were and what they could expect when they got there.  

They were still a ways out from where the Nightshades were supposed to gather, they didn't want to alert them before they were ready. Members of the Council went around to make sure all of their people were accounted for. When it was decided they were ready, they moved out. 

Mara stuck next to Torlak at the front of the group, he had been making light conversation with her since they met up again. She knew he was just as nervous as she was though neither would admit it. Mara had been glad she had Torlak to back her up when Trixle wanted to go, there was no way he would have let her out there with them either. 

"Are you ready for this?" Torlak asked her. 

"Does it really matter if I am or not?" Mara retorted. It wasn't like they could just turn around and go back when they thought they were ready.

"I suppose not." Trolak smiled sadly. 

They walked in silence, each lost in their own thoughts until they could hear voices up ahead. Mara hadn't expected the site to come up so soon, but it appeared they were close already. They turned around sharply, looking over their silent group giving the signal of what was ahead. 

They waited patiently until Torlak and Makortax made their round of the area, assessing the numbers and set up of the Nightshades. When they returned, it sounded as if the odds were in their favor; unless the Nightshades had others hiding outside of the area, they had more men. 

More signals were given and the men and women went off doing as they had been told. Torlak stood tall beside her, drawing out a large sword. She watched as the setting sun reflected off the blade. 

"They could have more people. The vampires wouldn't be up yet." Mara said, staring straight ahead.

"I know."

"Hopefully we can finish this before the sun fully sets then." Mara murmured as they started forward. 

Mara and Torlak stayed hidden just out of sight of the Nightshades waiting for their sign to go out. The witches on both sides started the smoke veil. The thick clouds rolled in and the Nightshades started to shout. Soon after followed the sound of screams and steel, claws and snarls. 

Mara slipped her claws out, catching a shocked look from Torlak before she motioned him to go out, Mara following close behind. She could just make out faces, taking care not to attack any of the men that came with them. 

Mara felt something jump on her back and she quickly dropped down flipping them off before digging her nails into the person's chest. She looked into the wide eyes of the werewolf and watched as he gasped for air before his chest fell still. 

Mara removed her claws from the dead man's chest and wiped the blood off on her jeans. She was completely still for a moment, she couldn't believe she had just killed a person without hesitation, but her brain told her it was what she needed to do in order to survive. She moved along quickly, best to not think about it, just keep moving. She would have plenty of time to think about it later. 

Another creature ran towards her, by the looks, another werewolf. Mara slashed her hand through the air and not even a second later; the Nightshade's head was severed from the body. Mara couldn't believe how easy it had been to kill the two werewolves; either they were decoys or her powers had grown more than she realized, she was hoping for the latter. As she looked around she realized her guess earlier had been correct, the vampires weren't up yet. 

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