Chapter 14- Convincing

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Mara woke at five in the morning in order to make the meeting. She was starting at Zeldra's school to test the waters. She was curious to see if they would get any of the families interested in joining. 

Mara's job seemed simple enough; show up at the schools, talk to the families, and get them interested in learning more. After that, they would sign their names and give contact information, which would then be sent to the High Council. They would take over informing from there on, at least that's what she had been told. 

However, she had never talked to large groups of people before, let alone large groups of adults she had to convince to do something. She had no idea how to go about convincing them to want to learn more, to want to help them in their fight against the Nightshades, especially when she wasn't allowed to get into specifics. 

Mara gathered her suitcase, making sure to grab the potion Zeldra had made as well as the leather pouch for the protection spell she had made the night before. Thankfully most of the ingredients had been out in the open and easy to get to, the hardest thing to get was the leather to make the pouch. 

She tossed the pouch in the air once, hearing the contents shift before sliding it into her bag next to the potion. She turned to see her cat sleeping peacefully on the bed and made her quiet escape. Trixle had agreed to keep tabs on Sasha in case she got into any trouble, though Mara was sure her cat knew how to help herself. 

Grabbing all of her things, Mara went down to the first floor where the portal was located and keyed in the code that connected this one to the preparatory school. She stepped through and made her way to the office. 

It was only six in the morning, but their head of the school was already in the office, prepared to talk to her about the meeting she had scheduled for the day. The school had been gracious enough to lend their facilities for the meeting, but she would have to abide by their rules. 

She sat in the chair in the office, watching the woman pace back and forth as she instructed Mara on how to behave. Mara knew she was a student herself, but she didn't really think it was necessary to be told how to conduct herself in the academic setting. She obviously wasn't one to cause trouble; at least not recently, otherwise she wouldn't be sitting on the High Council. And one would think that being on the Council would be enough for this woman, but she wasn't satisfied. 

"You must remain in your room at all times once you get there until the time you are ready to leave." The woman said staring down her long pointed nose at Mara. Mara simply nodded in response. 

"I was told your meeting would begin at eight a.m. sharp and would go until you finished, however, I say that you must be finished by noon."

Mara bit back her sarcastic response, feeling that it wouldn't go over with this grouchy old woman. 

"I don't see it lasting that long ma'am. Though in case, what am I supposed to do if the meeting does need to go longer?" Mara asked trying to sound polite. 

"It won't." She replied, warning in her voice. 

Mara nodded, biting her tongue once more. She wondered if she wasn't being taken as seriously due to her age. She knew that it was different for such a young person to be on the Council, but she was starting to learn that some didn't seem as thrilled with the idea of a student sitting in. 

As the woman explained the rest of the rules, Mara paid little attention, nodding when she felt it was necessary, and speaking a small agreement in the brief moments of silence. The woman appeared to enjoy hearing herself talk. 

Once that had been taken care of, she was led to a room similar to the one she had met Zeldra in, but slightly bigger, able to fit more people. To her surprise there were already a few men and woman who were waiting inside. 

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