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That little piece of wood in your house
What all fantasies it manages to arouse
In the hearts and minds of some
While you stare at it wondering who would come.

It is kind of a border
That separates two different worlds
But few ever care to bother
To discover the mysteries of this wonder.

Something magnificent it has to offer
A new surprise different from the former
But think a little and you will realize
Everything has a door to it waiting for someone to find.

A treasure has a trapdoor
A challenge has a backdoor
A computer program has its exit
A monument has its entrance

Every single life too has two doors
Entrance is granted to everyone on the same floor
Every journey starts from a single point
And then it's a game of puzzle bits waiting to be joined.

Exit is the door we are entitled to choose
In this neck to neck race where none dares to lose
While carelessness, greed make some perish
Hard work and honesty ensure you cherish.

Quote : Most people follow the defined path
A few bother to question it
Legends don't settle for anything else, they make their own trail.

Inspiration : Looking at the door of my home, with my notebook in my hand and a will to enter my own world of poetry in my heart.

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