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"Jaejae, stop wiggling!" The voice laughed as he heard himself whine. "Put me down!"

Youngjae was in that dark place again. All he could do was to listen, and cry.

"Jaejae, I got you your favorite food!" The person says, seems like he had just came home. "Burgers?" Youngjae unconsciously said simultaneously with his voice. "Yep, No cucumbers!"

Youngjae sat up, breathless. He checked the time, 2:28AM.

He sighed. He had been having these dreams a lot, and he still hadn't guessed who was the person behind the voice.

Youngjae got up, and headed downstairs, to check on Jaebum. But he wasn't there.

Youngjae felt sweat beads form on his forehead, getting slightly nervous.

"Jaebum?" Youngjae called, but no one answered. Could it be, that Jaebum had came back to his body?

Youngjae felt tears form in the corner of his eyes. I'll be lonely again, Youngjae thought.

"Jaebum??" He called again, his voice desperate. He heard something outside, which was in his backyard.

He quickly headed to the back door, opening it as he gasp at the sight.

The plain tree had yellow glowing lights, flower petals all over the the grass, a blanket under the tree, but what was more amazing was the one who was sitting on the white cloth, Jaebum.

Everything was perfect, the moon was shining above them, making it more beautiful as ever.

"J-Jaebum?" Youngjae called, Jaebum smiled as he tapped the space beside him, calling the younger to sit beside him.

Youngjae went over to Jaebum, sitting beside him timidly, mesmerized by how great everything is.

"Youngjae," Jaebum called, his eyes looking at the younger lovingly. "Hm?" Youngjae hummed, averting his attention from the lights to Jaebum.

"Ever since we both made up, I've been feeling...something. My heart flutters everytime you smile at me with that bright smile of yours, Something in me wanted to see that smile everyday, and protect it. Youngjae, I know this might seem impossible, but I love you." Jaebum shyly said as he whispered the last part.

Youngjae was beyond happy, but he knew that it'll only hurt in the end.

"Jaebum..I-uh...feel the same..way.." Youngjae held Jaebum's hand, "But..what if, you wake up? You'll forget me, and that really sucks since you can forget about everything while I'm here suffering,  I don't want you to leav—"

Youngjae was cut off when he felt soft, cold lips on his lips.

Jaebum had kissed him.

Youngjae gasped, as he felt his whole body stiffened. Youngjae felt his head hurt, like something that was on the back of his mind was forcing it's way towards the front.

"Where are we going?" Youngjae asked. "It's a secret." The man beside Youngjae answered. Suddenly, Youngjae was in a car and beside him, was a raven haired man, but his face was so bright he couldn't see who it was.

"Just tell me already." He unconsciously said, lightly slapping the driver's arm. They were driving in an intersection, when suddenly a huge truck was coming there way.

The person beside Youngjae didn't see this, as Youngjae yelled,

"Watch out—"

"Jaebum!" Youngjae yelled as he pulled away, startling the older. "I-I'm sorry!" Jaebum apologized as he lowered his head in embarrassment.

"N-no! Don't apologize! S-sorry for yelling.. I was just suprised, please don't think of anything bad." Youngjae said as he fiddled with his fingers.

Jaebum found it cute, Youngjae was blushing, his lips slightly pouted, and his fingers shyly fidgeting.

Jaebum pulled Youngjae into his arms, letting him sit on his lap as he wrapped his arms around Youngjae's waist.

Youngjae sighed, as he looked at the stars. "Isn't this weird? I can't believe I fell in love with a ghost. But I'm not really complaining." Youngjae said in a matter of fact as he plaid with his bracelet.

Jaebum chuckled, "Youngjae...When I go back to my body, I promise, I'll try to remember you." Jaebum said as he kissed Youngjae's temples, Youngjae's heart fluttering at the action.

"Well, you better.. Or else I'll find you and kick you in the balls." Youngjae threatened, he tried to look serious and scare Jaebum, but Jaebum was infatuated with Youngjae's cute actions.

"I love you so much, Youngjae." Jaebum hugged Youngjae tighter, the fact that he'll probably wake up soon was breaking his heart.

The two went inside the house, going to Youngjae's room as the couple cuddled, until both of them drifted to sleep.

Youngjae woke up, with a bright smile on his face. He looked beside him, and there was no sign of Im Jaebum.

Maybe he's downstairs? Youngjae thought. Quickly, he ran downstairs and checked everywhere. The living room, the bathroom, the kitchen, the backyard, and there was no Jaebum.

No sandwhiches, No breakfast notes, No  person playing with Coco, No Im Jaebum.

Youngjae felt his knees went weak as he fell on the cold hard floor, tears already flowing down his cheeks.

Youngjae was furious. Why did fate decided to break him like this?

Youngjae looked at his wrist, making him cry his eyes out more.

"When I'm gone, everything that I left here will be gone too."

The bracelet was gone.


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