Chapter 10.

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*Mia's POV*

Am I dead?

Opening my eyes blinking them open and kinda hurting due to the brightness in the room.

W-Where am I? I say in a low calm voice.

"Your at my place" th-that v-voice..

N-no it can't be...

I look over to my right and saw him.

I look in shock when I see him it's been I don't know but even though I just saw him when he save me and Ava from -


"Where's Ava!!" I yelled pushing my self off the bed. "She's with Ben don't worry I got you." I shook my head. "No I want Ava right now or I'll leave right now with her and never come back." Heading toward the door I was close to opening the door but someone stopped me.

"You cannot leave you need rest I'll go get her just... Please stay in bed"
"I can't loose you again." He whispers.

I gave up because he's right I do feel weak and hungry. I nod my head and went straight to the bed getting under the covers while Jace I think his name is, is sitting back down on the next next to me. I thought you were getting Ava for me? I told him. "I know but I want you to tell me everything and I mean EVERYTHING that happened after that party 4 Years ago.

Silence filled the room.

I forgot whenever I get to meet him again I would go through this question, and to be completely honest I'm not sure how to tell him this.

Swallowing hard, I open my mouth trying to find the right words to tell him. Before I could open my mouth he cut me off. (rude)

"If you tell me what happened then I'll tell you things about myself."
He saids.


I nod a little. "Okay" I said sitting up laying back-to-back to the head frame of the bed.

(4 Years Ago)

"Get your self undressed with only your undergarments on because your getting punish then come to the kitchen for your punishment."

He walked away toward the kitchen.

I was scared..

I didn't know what todo.

So I walked into my bedroom. Got out of my dress put on some clothes, dumped my school stuff out of the bag to put clothes and money.
I snuck out of the window quietly then lastly threw my phone on the bed so no one would find me. I don't know where I was going but I knew I had to leave right now.


There's no turning back now Mia, we can finally be free from them and never look back.

Running to the nearest train station my stomach feeling like there's butterfly's in them because how nervous I felt running away from home, I know no one would care if I left, except for Angel.

Gosh, Angel I'm gonna miss her but she deserves a normal life with a happy family not a abusive raping type of like family.

Shaking my head no buying a ticket from one of the stands then boarding somewhere in Nevada. I didn't pay that much attention to it.

The only thing on my mind was getting out of this hell hole.


Getting out of the train I have ended up in ColdSprings, Nevada.

I was at first chilly because I had no coat only a thick jacket, but hey it's better than being in California.

Walking across town finding somewhere to start my life I see a cafe shop, walking in there seeing a
"help wanted" Sign I open the door then sitting at a booth with a waiter coming toward me with a menu.

"Howdy, I'm Andy! Welcome to Heart'n'Gold may I take your order!"
He Saids in a polite tone.


(oh gosh why am I stuttering)

"I would like a Bangel with cream cheese and a Mellow Hot Chocolate please and thank you."

"Alrighty anything else?"

"Yes actually could I get a job here? The sign at the window said you were hiring."

"Of course! I'll be right back to give you the papers." He said then rushing over to the counter to place my order and trying to find the job papers.

He comes back one minute after taking my order, I read the job application.

5 minutes later Andy comes back with my food and I hand him my job application.

He looks at the application.

"Alright! Your hired welcome to the cafe fam!"

Yes! I got it looking down about to eat my food but got interrupted by Andy.

"You got a place to live? Because it doesn't say you live anywhere."


"I-I just moved her with only a money and no place to go."

(Wow I sound desperate.)

"Hmmm... You can live with me, I leave here in an hour can you stay and wait so I can take you to my apartment?"

"Oh my gosh! That would be amazing Thank You so Much!!!"

I said with a quiet small excited.

"Yeah no problem and everything is in me, roommate.."

I smile and nod at him watching him giving me a smile back and going back to work.

Maybe moving here wasn't such a bad thing at all.

I stop thinking and went back to finally! Eating my food.


It would be amazing to vote this story ;)
hint hint xoxo

(Thinking of writing a new story, and of course I will continue to write this to the end but I want to write another story can we get this book to 50 or 100 votes before ending this story?)

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