Chapter Seven

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      As I was walking around, I ran into someone.
    "Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" I say, helping the person up. "No no, it was my fault." They say. I look at the person I ran into a smile. "Well, Kylie, it was my fault so shush." I say. "How do you kn- oooooh hi Iris!" She says.
     We talk for almost an hour until she got a text.
     "Oh, I'm sorry, I have to go. My parents need me." She says. "Okay, but let me see your phone." I say. She hands me her phone. It has a picture of her and a guy kissing on the lock screen. Awe! So cute!
     Once I type in my number, I send her away with a hug, walking to Peirce The Veil bus.
     "Knock knock, bitches!" I scream from the outside. The boys laugh. "Come in, princess." I hear Tony call.
    I open the door to see the sexicans eating cereal and playing FIFA. "Hey guys." I say. "Hello, your majesty." They all say. I giggle. "Why our bus?" Jaime asks. "Dad and the guys aren't going to be at the bus, and your bus isn't far." I say, sitting on Vic's lap. They all nod, then going back to the game with me cheering them on.

Le time skip

   So, it's about 10 and I'm tired. I get my phone out and call dad. "Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messaging system." The phone says.    
     Okay, Andy. Same thing.
   I've fucking tried with all of them. I hope they are fine.
     Are they hurt? Are they ignoring me? DID THEY ABANDON ME? Am I disappointment? Did they... stop loving me?
    I start crying. DAMN FUCKING PANIC(!) ATTACK!
    "Baby, are you okay?" Tony asks. I shake my head.      
   He's the only one awake, just so you know.  
     He pulls me into a hug. "What's wrong?" He asks me. "They won't answer my calls. I'm scared." I say. "Maybe their phones are dead." He says. I shake my head. "They've been posting on Twitter and Instagram." I say crying more. Tony tenses. Probably just kisses because my DAD won't answer his DAUGHTERS calls. No FuCkInG bIgGiE. sHE OnLy hAS MENTAL ILLNESSES AND NeeDs  HER GoDdAmN DADDY TO TALK TO WHEN SHES fUcKiNG HURT.
     "Baby, just lay down and fall asleep. You're okay. You can stay in my bunk." Tony says. I nod, not getting up. "Can we cuddle?" I ask like a 5 year old. He nods, letting me lay on his chest. I snuggle into his chest, breathing in his cologne. I slowly fall asleep to Tony humming King for a Day.

HELLO! Thank you guys for a little over 200 reads! I love all of you and thanks for supporting this shit story. But, three of my books, which includes this one, that are tied and almost share the ending to this book. But, I'm going to be a promo whore and tell you guys to go check out my most read book, Adopted by Falling in Reverse(Ryan Seaman). And when you finish that one, actually check out the sequel, We Got There. It's my favorite series by me. All my free time goes into that. But, I'm done with this. Go have fun,read my books, you now. *snorts* But seriously, I love you guys, stay safe, eat all your Halloween candy, and live life. CHOW!》

###Shout outs###

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