Chapter Eight

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      "And I don't want the world to see me." I sing, walking into PTV kitchen. "'Cause I don't think that they'll understand." I continue, grabbing a banana. "If everything's made to be broken," I sing, entering the living room. "BOO!" Jaime screeches. "AAAHHH!" I scream, almost dropping my banana.
      "GOD DAMMIT JAIME! I ALMOST DROPPED MY BANANA!" I screech. He laughs. "You're mean. The banana is more important than me?" He asks. "It won't be when it's shoved down your throat." I say.
       We stare at each other for a moment. "THATS WHAT HE SAID!" We shouted at the same time. "GUYS! SHUT UP WE'RE TIRED!" Mike yells. "No thank you, uncle Mike." I say innocently. "I can't say no when you're so nice." He says.
     Soon all the guys are walking from the bunk area.
    When Tony emerges, he picks me up like a baby. I'm not complaining, I'm still tired.
    "Oh, guys, we've hit the road. On our way to the next venue." Jaime says. "So the guys haven't called or anything?" I ask, my heart breaking a little. Jaime shakes his head, his eyes full of concern. "Oh. O-okay." I say, putting my head in the crook of Tony's neck.
    After a few minutes of holding my tears, one slips. Which lead to more falling from my eyes.
    "Baby, it's okay. They're probably hungover and they can't think straight right now." Mike says, rubbing my back. "No, they are posting shit on their Instagrams and Twitters." I say, sobbing. "Right now?" Tony asks. I nod.
      "Oh hell no." I hear Mike say. I can hear Mike dial on his phone, probably calling Ashley.
     Tony walks over to the couch and sits down, rubbing my back. "Its okay. We will fix it." He whispers. "No. They don't care about me. I'm surprised Ashley hasn't brought me back yet." I say, breaking down more.
     "DUDE! You're daughter is fucking CRYING! What the fuck is wrong with you?! She fucking needs you and you're fucking brain is telling you she's fine?!" Mike yells into the phone. I start crying. Ashley doesn't care. "No! SHUT UP ASHOLE! What you did was wrong and I wouldn't be surprised if she stopped talking to you!" Mike yells. I shake my head.
     After a few moments, my phone goes off.
    I reach over to see that Jake was calling me.
     "Hello?" I ask, my voice cracking. "Oh my God! Iris are you okay? Ashley is being yelled at. He wasn't answering your calls?" He asks. "No. His phone wasn't off, either. I called you and you didn't answer." I say. "My phone died. I put it on the charger when I got on the bus. When I saw the calls this morning, I called you, but you didn't answer." He says. I nod, even though he couldn't see me. "Oh." I say. "Look, I'm really sorry. I'll charge my phone next time." "Okay, Jake." "I'll call you later. We'll be on the buses for a while, and no one is planning to be stopping together. So, I'll text you and call you later, okay?" He says. "Yeah." I respond. "Okay. I love you." He says. I smile. "I love you, too. Bye." I say. He hangs up the phone.
     Tony smiles at me as I put my phone down. "Whatcha happy about?" He asks. I smile at him. "It turns out that my best friends phone was dead, so he didn't get my calls." I say, not telling the entire truth. "That's not all, I can tell." Tony tells me. "That's it. That's all." I say, lying. "Bullshit." He laughs. "Fine. He said he loved me. And when people say that, I usually don't believe them. But I believe Jake." I say, my smile growing larger. "You don't believe that people love you?" He asks. I shake my head. "If I said I loved you, would you believe me?" He asks. "If you did love me, than maybe." I answer. "Well, I love you. So, yeah." He says. (A/N: Tony's 18. *wiggles eyebrows*)
     I look at him straight in the eyes. "Yeah, okay." I say with a derped voice. "It's true." He says. "Prove it." I say.
      Before we continue, I have a confession. I'm absolutely in LOVE with Tony. Like, he might be older by 3 years, but I don't give a shit. He is funny, and cute, and expresses himself. DAMN HE IS AAAARRRRGGG.
     Tony quickly leans in, closing the gap faster than I could say "Gotta Blast". I was shocked, but I really liked it. Like, a lot.
    I start to kiss back, I think. I've never kissed anyone.
    After a few moments, we pull back. We look each other in the eyes before smiling widely.
      "Hey." Tony says. "I love you." He says, laughing. I laugh, too. "I love you, too." I say back.

《●OHHHH IRIS MIGHT HAVE A BOYFRAND!! And so you guys know, some of my books are NOT tied to this book. I'm just a promo whore. I'm sorry. But I love you and I'm grateful for all of the reads. Remember to show your grandparents this book(JK). Bye! I love you, all!●》

###Shout outs###

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