Chapter 2.

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Lauren and Camila arrived at the airport and checked in. Lauren told Camila that the family had already arrived at the houses there already. They were the final two to arrive at the beach houses. They bought a coffee and they were now waiting for their plane to leave.

'How long is if from here to Hawaii?' Camila asked.

'About nine hours I guess.' Camila choked on her coffee.

'Nine hours? Seriously hope you are kidding right now. I can't deal with being nine hours on a plane? I can't deal with being on a plane in general.' Camila added the last sentence a little quieter than the rest.

'It is nine hours; I swear I'm not kidding. Wait, you have flown in a plane before right?' Camila flushed.

'Well, off course, who hasn't Lauren? It is 2017, everybody has flown before.' Lauren knew Camila was lying.

'Is that so? Then tell me, what is it like flying? How does it feel? How's the landing and taking off?'

Camila flushed even more. It was really cute how she tried to act cool and tough.

'It kind of sucks and it's long.' Camila mumbled. Lauren glared into Camila's eyes.

'Okay, I have never flown in my life. Are you happy now?'

'Actually yes, you are really funny how nervous you are.' Camila smacked Lauren's arm.

'This isn't funny Lauren. I'm freaking out. What if I die on that plane? Do you know how many people die in planes? Like a lot. And I'm not ready to leave this planet just yet. Humanity couldn't handle a world without a Camila Cabello. And even if we don't die, I'm still on that plane for freaking nine hours? How am I going to spend those hours? Yes I brought my laptop and my iPod but still.' Lauren laughed.

'Stop talking Camila, you are aware that plane is the safest transporting method of all and taking a plane is safer than taking your car to the supermarket. So relax, as for how you are going to spend those hours, there are small TV-sets in the seat in front of you. And they include some awesome, amazing movies and TV-shows. And you can listen to music, or be social and actually talk to me?'

Camila smiled. 'It isn't so bad flying. It might seem scary at the take off and the landing, but in between it's mostly just boring.' Camila still didn't seem convinced, but Lauren figured she couldn't convince the stubborn girl anyway.

'May I get your attention please? Flight A-7884 to Hawaii can now get on board.' Lauren nudged Camila.

'That's us.'

Camila took a deep breath and stood up.

Their seats were quite nice. They sat next to each other and next to Lauren an old man was sitting. He wore glasses and his hair was almost white. He seemed calm, and Lauren was already glad that he didn't smell. One time, she had a flight for five hours next to a guy who showered in cologne. She felt like she was intoxicated for the entire flight. The old man next to her greeted the two girls politely.

'Just relax, everything will be fine.'

Lauren said to Camila. She felt the other girl next to her tense up even more. She felt sorry for the girl. The first time she flew, she was terrified out of her mind. Luckily her dad was there to hold her hand. Maybe Lauren should hold Camila's hand? The thought of holding her hand made Lauren nervous too. She just decided no against the whole idea. After everybody sat down, the pilot started talking.

'Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, I personally welcome you on this flight from Miami to Hawaii. We want to thank you for choosing American Airlines and we wish you a pleasant flight.'

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