Chapter 9.

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Camila passionately pushed her inside the house. Their lips never breaking, this kiss wasn't like all the other kisses Camila and Lauren had shared. This kiss was very different. It was a mixture of passion and lust. Camila wasn't going on easy on Lauren either. She was far too busy fighting for control of their kiss to notice that once they entered the living room Lauren almost fell over the couch.

Luckily for them they didn't have far to go, and once they got into the bed room with their tongues still battling, fighting for control, they finally broke apart gasping for air.

Camila closed the door, forgetting to lock it, and she pushed Lauren backwards onto the bed. As her head the pillow, Camila jumped on top of Lauren- kissing and biting at the sensitive spots of her neck.

"Oh Camila..." Lauren said as Camila pulled away from her neck, smirking to herself. Lauren looked into Camila's beautiful brown eyes and saw the same thing hers were showing: lust.

Lauren reconnected their lips when Camila licked her bottom lip pleading for permission, which Lauren was happy to grant her. As their tongues began to mingle again, Lauren's mind started to wonder.

"What the hell are we doing?" Lauren thought to herself. Even though she didn't know what was going on, she sure as hell didn't want to stop- that was for sure. Lauren cast the thoughts aside, because all she wanted to think about right now was Camila, and how she was making her body feel.

Camila's hands were all over her body. As they broke the kiss Camila slipped her hands under Lauren's shirt, rubbing her over her abs. All Camila could think was 'Damn she is so fucking sexy.'

Lauren's hands started trailing down Camila's back stopping for a second at the hem of her shirt, then she firmly placed both of her hands on Camila's ass, and gave it a little squeeze. Camila moaned as she reattached her lips to Lauren's neck, sucking hard on it. Lauren felt her body begin to heat up and she began to feel an uncontrollable throbbing between her legs.

Lauren sat up and grabbed the hem of Camila's shirt, pulling it over her head and throwing it to the floor as she began attacking her breasts with kisses.

"Mmm Lo baby." Camila said as she closed her eyes, biting her lip. Camila then pulled Lauren's shirt off and threw it to the floor. She pushed Lauren back down onto the bed but this time Lauren flipped them over so she was on top of Camila.

Lauren leaned down and began kissing Camila's lips as she ground her hips on top of her, making the throbbing become more and more unbearable. Camila placed her hands on Lauren's back and slipped them down until she reached her black lace bra. She undid it with ease and threw it on the floor next to their shirts.

Lauren did the same to Camila's red lace bra. Camila stared at her for a second. Suddenly Camila lowered her head, drawing Lauren's left nipple into her mouth and sucking, licking circles around it, and gently biting on it.

"Oh fuck that feels so good baby." Lauren moans as Camila moves over to her right breast, giving it the same amount of attention.

Lauren's hands begin to wonder all over her half naked body, before settling on her breast. Camila lets go of Lauren's nipple with a 'pop' as she reconnected their lips.

The kiss was hot and full of lust and as  Camila goes to massage her breast, Lauren moves her hips a little faster making both of them extremely wet.

"Damn I'm so fucking wet right now baby." Lauren moaned into her mouth.

"I want you so fucking bad right now." Camila mumbles against her lips.

Camila flipped them over so that she regained control, kissing Lauren's neck and searching for her most sensitive spot.

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