Chapter 13.

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Deep brown eyes sought green ones after the brunette's last comment. Camila's lips curled into a small but sincere smile and Lauren smiled shyly back. All that she wanted was to lean in and taste those plump lips on hers again, but she still didn't know where they were standing. Yes, Camila was making progress and opening up to her, but still deep down, she was still terrified. What had happened with Jenna and her parents must have crushed Camila. Hell, it would crush anyone. Getting abandoned by the persons she loved the most is a devastating thing. Camila's eyes had shifted from Lauren's eyes back onto the sea.

"Have you heard anything from Jenna after that day?" Lauren asked. Her curiosity was getting the best of her.

"Yes. After she had dumped me so openly, she regained even more popularity than before. After all she tamed the famous heartbreaker Camila Cabello and broke her heart in the meantime. It made her famous, at least in school. She became the new head bitch at school and I sunk deeper into depression. Luckily I had Troy and Ally to help me through. Jenna started dating that stupid cheerleader and I was alone. I never talked to her again after her last words. She got everything that she wanted, popularity at school, a girlfriend and a scholarship at Yale. And I got nothing. So no, I haven't heard anything from her." Camila said.

"And have you heard anything from your parents?" Lauren asked quietly. She knew that Camila was calling her mom a couple days ago, but she wanted her to tell Lauren because she wanted to, not because she already knew.

"Yes. My dad actually apologized a lot. He called me a lot after I got thrown out of the house. He sent me a thousand of texts saying that he was sorry, begging for me to meet him or to answer his calls."

"Did you answer him?"

"At first, I didn't. I was pissed. He could have stopped my mom. He could have stopped her from throwing me out of the house, but he didn't. My mom is a powerful woman. She has always been. She is a CEO of this huge company and a lot of employees are terrified of her. If you think I have a temper, you should meet my mom. She's twice as bad as me, perhaps even worse. And my dad on the other hand, is this quiet, calm guy who does everything that my mom wants. I know that and I knew that back then too, but I just couldn't forgive him for what he had done back then. But after a lot of texts, he suddenly showed up at school. I didn't know what to do. I still was pissed at him, but I missed him so bad. So I threw myself in his arms."

Lauren smiled. There was still some happiness to this story.

"After that, we got lunch. He apologized a million times. Then he asked me how I was doing. I explained the whole situation that I was spending at his brother's house. I begged my uncle to not tell my dad. He finally understood and promised me to not to tell him. My dad was relieved that I lived in a good house and not somewhere on the street. When we first were talking, I didn't want to hear anything about my mom, so he didn't say anything about her. But then my dad begged me to call him at least one time a week. He looked so sad. You should know that my dad has a serious case of puppy eyes. And so I gave in. I did call him a lot. And then we met up a few times during my senior year and one day, I got too curious and I asked him about mom. He told me that he got really pissed when she kicked me out. He lost his temper and it takes a lot to make my dad lose his temper. I only saw it once when I accidentally made this huge drawing on the wall. But anyway, he got furious and he even dared to say that if she wouldn't apologize, he would divorce her. Apparently, she then cried, saying sorry. And my dad believed her. She even promised him that she would make things good with me again."

"And did she?" Lauren asked.

"No, at least not at first. My dad wanted to leave her, but he still loved her and I told him not to get divorced over me."

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