Chapter 11.

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Lauren and Camila joined the other girls who were still sitting at the beach. But somehow they were drinking beer out of red cups. The guys had joined them too so the whole group was complete. Lauren sat down and pointed between her legs, motioning Camila to sit down between her legs like they did a few days ago. Camila did the same thing a couple of days ago, right? So she could do it too. Lauren had to admit, she was enjoying this game way too much. She wasn't going to back down before Camila was officially hers. Camila smiled back at Lauren's wide grin and sat down where Lauren had pointed. When the moment that Camila sat down, Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's body and she inched a little closer. Her boobs were now touching her back and she knew Camila could feel it because her breath had hitched. She reached for the Latina's hands and intertwined them in Camila's lap.

"Are you having a Bachelorette party, Erica?" Ally asked.

"Troy has put the crazy idea of having a Bachelor party in Luis's head. So if he gets a damn Bachelor party, then I want one too. So totally." Erica said glaring at Troy.

"What did you expect Erica? Of course  Luis gets a freaking party. He has to spend the rest of his live whipped. Better enjoy his last night with strippers and alcohol."

"Really Troy? Strippers?" Erica glared again at Troy.

"Hell to the yes. No Bachelor party without strippers. That's like alcohol-free beer. It's just not the same."

Erica turned herself to Luis. "You can look but no touching allowed. Are we clear?"

Luis simply nodded. Oh, the boy was really whipped.

"When are the parties?" Alexa asked.

"I don't want it the night before the wedding because I don't want to be hangover on my own wedding. The wedding is Saturday so maybe Thursday?"

"That's in three days? Isn't that a little quick?" Alexa looked confused.

"That's why I'm hoping that my maid of honor actually has planned the Bachelorette party. Erica's words sunk in. Lauren was Erica's maid of honor. Oh crap. Does she really need to arrange a freaking Bachelorette party in three days? She was screwed.

"You have already done some arrangements right, Lo?" Erica questioned.

"Sure." The pitch of Lauren's voice raised to an incredible height, making it totally obvious she was lying her ass off.

"I hope so." Erica stated, clearly seeing through her lie.

"No problem, Lauren. We can do this. We can get Ally to help us."

Camila shifted her legs so she was sitting sideways on Lauren's lap. Her legs dangled over her left one and her whole body was in between the Latinas body. That way Camila could actually look in her eyes. She gave a slight smile, trying to stop Lauren from freaking out. Lauren smiled back, finding it adorable that they were going to do this together as Camila said.

"Thanks Camz."

She placed a feather-light kiss on Camila's cheek. Camila then simply smiled and grabbed Lauren's hand back in hers. Lauren glanced over at her phone to see the time. It was already seven-thirty.

"Can we order pizzas here? That way we can eat on the beach?" Lauren said. Her stomach was already protesting at the lack of food in her body. And she was craving a good Hawaii pizza now that they were in Hawaii. Look at it like some kind of tradition, Lauren wanted it.

"Sounds good to me, Lo. I'll take everyone's orders." Julius said and he stood up. That's why she loved the guy. He was so sweet. You could literally ask Julius anything and he would do it. Lauren once called him at four am in the morning when she was too drunk to drive home and spend all of her money on tequila shots. Paul was there too, but he was also way to wasted to drive. So Julius actually came. He drove both of them home and never once did he mention the night again. That's why he was so great. If Lauren had called Ashlee or Ally, she would never hear the end of it.

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