Chapter 6.

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Lauren woke up and Camila was already up. The both of them grabbed breakfast, and once again Camila acted like nothing had happened. They were acting like friends, but every time they saw Paul, Camila would step a little closer to Lauren, or grab her hand, or place kisses on her cheek, or on her lips. Lauren sure as hell didn't mind those endearments, but she noticed that she had to keep reminding herself that it wasn't real.

It was just an act, and Lauren was afraid that that would slip her mind. The both of them made a walk and decided to clean up the room. Camila wasn't the cleanest girl, and their room was already a mess.

'Could you maybe help clean?'

Lauren asked. Camila was lying in the bed, staring at her phone.



Camila shrugged. 'Don't feel like cleaning.'

'Camz, could you please help? This place is a mess, the mess is mostly yours.'

'One: This place isn't that messy. Two: No, not everything from the mess is yours. That's your red bra lying there on the floor.'

Damn you Camila. Lauren flushed when she did indeed notice her bra on the floor. She normally wasn't the girl to throw around her underwear and this was embarrassing.

'Just help, Camila, it won't take that long.'

'Lo, I don't really feel like cleaning okay? I'll do it some other time.'

Damnit. How was she supposed to convince Camila? Camila hadn't even looked at Lauren ever since she asked her to help. Then it hit Lauren. She jumped right next to Camila on the bed, and Camila looked up.

'Please, Camila? It would really mean a lot to me if you help me now.'

Lauren said, as she started pouting.

'Oh no, Lo. No way that you're pouting for this. Hot girls pouting is my weakness.'

Did Camila just call her a hot girl? She sure as hell didn't mind. Lauren kept pouting and setting up her best puppy-eyes.

'Please, Camz?'

'Fine.' Camila groaned loudly as she stepped off the bed.

'Thanks, Camz, you're really the best.'

'As long as you know it.' Camila answered and she winked.

After they cleaned the room, they lay down on the bed again, worn out after cleaning. Lauren looked over at Camila.

'You know what's funny?'

Camila's eyebrows rose. 'Enlighten me.' She answered.

'The fact that you're already whipped and we're not even dating.'

Camila's mouth fell open.

'I'm so not whipped, stop it.'

'You so are, Camz. You cleaned the room and all that I had to do was pout.' Lauren gave Camila a little poke in her stomach.

'Whatever. I'm not whipped. Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao doesn't do whipped.'

'Well, you do, apparently.' Lauren winked.

'Damn you, Lauren Michelle Jauregui. You're going to be my death one day.'

Lauren didn't really know how to properly answer that. It just seemed a weird comment from Camila. That was the deal with Camila. She confused Lauren. She was mysterious and secretive. Every time she would discover something new about the girl, this whole new side of her rose to the surface, and Lauren wondered who the real Camila was. From her experience, tough, badass girls like Camila were always hurting inside. They were tough against other people to keep their own feelings protected. People who are kind, set themselves vulnerable for people to hurt them, and Camila did the exact opposite, at least that's how it seemed to Lauren. Lauren however could be totally wrong about the girl.

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