Chapter 18.

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Lauren's eyes shifted from Camila's scared expression to Paul and apparently Michael. Lauren saw them talking and honestly, she was quite worried.

"Don't you have some sort of contract saying that he can't tell?" Lauren asked. If everyone would just blab his or her mouth about what Camila did, the whole thing would become useless pretty soon, wouldn't it?

"Of course. But Michael is one of those guys that stalked me afterwards." Camila sighed.

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, I told you that there were guys who fell in love with me, right? And Michael was one of those guys. He hired me to go to a Christmas party in Australia. He immigrated from there back in high school and he liked America enough to stay. But every Christmas he goes back and his family are always worrying that he doesn't have a girlfriend yet. He was sick of it. So he hired me." Camila averted her eyes from Lauren to look at Michael once more.

"Yeah?" Lauren asked, trying to get Camila to finish her story.

"Anyways, so I travelled to Australia with him. And everything went great and after a week, I was already back. I thought it was done, but it only just started. At first he just sent me texts. At first, I still replied to them because he was a client and he could still hire me in the future. But the texts weren't even about work anymore. He would text me about his life or he would ask me about my life. When I didn't answer to that, he would text me even more. So I didn't answer anymore. And then he started calling me, or he would randomly show up at my work asking if I wanted to have coffee. It was really annoying but I can't really blame the guy. He seemed very lonely and the thought he finally had a girlfriend was just too much, I guess. But after some experience, I know that to solve this problem, I had to be rude. He needed to know for sure that we weren't real and that we would never happen. So when he dropped by once more by my office, I just told him flat out. But unfortunately, some co-workers were around and they all heard me turning him down. He got furious with me. So I don't trust him anymore to hide my secret anymore. I can't really do a lot about it either. I can't charge him with anything, so I'll just hope that he doesn't blab. But they way he looked at me earlier, he still seems angry."

Lauren grabbed Camila's hand. "It will be fine. If he doesn't tell Paul, then that's great. If he does, we will explain. But we will do it together."

Camila simply nodded, still looking worried. Everyone was standing outside, waiting for the newly wedded couple. There were two guys holding boxes with white pigeons. Luis's mom was giving everyone white rice to throw. Lauren never quite got that tradition. Why would you want to throw rice anyway?

Lauren placed herself on the steps of the church, waiting for the couple to arrive. Soon enough, they did and the two guys released the beautiful white pigeons. Everybody started clapping as Luis and Erica walked towards their limo, which would drive them to their reception. Luis's family had hired three limousines. One, for Luis and Erica and then the second one for the bridesmaids and a third one for the parents. Lauren waved once again to all of her guests and the limo took off, towards the hotel. Lauren stepped into the limo with Camila behind her, quickly followed by the other bridesmaids. Just as they were about to leave, the door opened again and Troy got it.

"A limousine with all girls without the Troyasaurus? No way, shuffle up my ladies. Make some place for me and my guns."

Ashlee snorted. "Really Troy? You couldn't take the other limo?"

"Look Juno. This is a wedding. You know what that means right?"

Ashlee shrugged. "No, but I'm sure you will enlighten me in a second."

"I will. This is a wedding. Two people are so in love that they want to share it with the whole world. They feel so much love for each other that the only way they can think to show it, is to throw a huge party and force everyone to watch how much love they feel. And you know how that makes everyone else feel, certainly the single girls that are lonely? That they'll never find love. They feel lonely and most of all, they are jealous. And that's were I come in the picture. My guns and me can make you forget all of your troubles and give you the best night of your lonely, pathetic life. And in the morning, you'll regret it and I'll never have to hear from you again. So that's what I'll do Juno. I'll make women happy tonight."

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