Chapter 15.

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Lauren woke up, feeling well rested and surprisingly happy. She remembered the events of last night and looked over at the brunette, but Camila wasn't there anymore. Lauren sighed. Where was she now? Lauren hoped that she hadn't fled, because of everything that had happened yesterday. But luckily, Lauren entered quietly into the room. She was holding a plate with breakfast and a giant grin on her face when she saw that Latina was awake.

"Hey, Lauren. I brought you breakfast." Camila had a dopily smile on her face.

"Thanks Camz." Lauren rubbed the sleep out of here eyes. Camila then sat down on the bed and placed the breakfast in front of her.

"You made pancakes?" Lauren stared at Camila.

"Yes. I owned you breakfast, remember? And pancakes are like my favorite breakfast food in the entire world and I'm so good at making them, so I thought I'd share my talent with you."

Camila really made an effort. On the dish, there was a stash of pancakes next to two glasses of orange juice. Next to that, there were some French toast and little butter pieces.

"You made this all by yourself?" Lauren asked in shock. It would take so much effort and time to make all of this.

"I have to admit. Your mom did help me." Camila said.

"You got my mom to help you?"

"Yes. I gave her a speech about how I wanted to surprise you because it was exactly two months ago that we met. She loved that I was making such an effort and decided to help me. She made the orange juice and the French toast. But the pancakes are all me." Camila grinned.

"I'm starving." Lauren grabbed the syrup and a fork.

"Wait, Lo. You forgot something."

Lauren stared confused at Camila. What did she forget? "What do you mean?"

"A morning kiss." Camila leaned over and placed a small kiss on the brunette's lips. Lauren beamed at Camila. The butterflies were swirling once again in her stomach. She could certainly get used to this version of Camila. She might not be the best with words, but her actions were saying more than words at the moment.

Lauren started pouring the syrup over the pancakes.

"Does the Miss want some pancakes with your syrup?" Camila smirked.

"I like syrup, okay? It's like the best part of the pancakes."

"You obviously haven't eaten my pancakes if you think syrup is better than the pancakes."

"Oh, confident?" Lauren smirked.

Camila laughed and it felt like the most beautiful sound in the entire world. "Just eat before they get cold. You take forever to eat."

"Shut up." Lauren grinned. She poked her fork into the pile of pancakes and brought a piece to her mouth. The sweet taste of the pancake combined with the syrup was delicious. And she had to admit; Camila's pancakes were pretty amazing.

"Your pancakes are okay. I've tasted better." Lauren lied.

"You're lying. Those are the best fucking pancakes you've tasted in your entire life." Camila slapped Lauren playful on her arm.

"Okay, they are amazing, I can't lie." Lauren grinned with a full mouth of pancakes.

"There's a little syrup on your chin." Camila laughed.

Lauren tried to wipe it away, but Camila grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"I'll get it." Camila said lowly. She rose up her hand and softly wiped the syrup of Lauren's chin. She then slowly and sensually brought her index finger to her mouth and licked the syrup of it. Lauren could only stare in awe at the sensual looks Camila was giving her. She swallowed hard, trying to regain composure but it didn't seem to work. She saw Camila smirk before she grabbed a fork herself and started eating the pancakes.

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