Chapter 4.

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Camila kept rocking Lauren back and forth. Her hand stroking over the Latina's back, mumbling consoling words. Lauren on the other hand was still crying her eyes out. Her breathing was heavy because of the crying and she hiccupped a couple of times.

Camila's red sweater was all wet from her tears but she didn't care about that. Paul did not only cheat on her but the other girl, the tramp, was pregnant.

Somewhere, some girl was carrying Paul's baby. A baby that Lauren always wanted after they finally got married. A light brunette fellow or gal who would run endlessly in the yard, playing with a ball or the dog that Lauren always wanted. But that child wasn't hers.

It belonged to Paul, but somewhere, he messed up and now all her dreams were dashed and the baby belonged to a faceless girl.

Lauren wanted to be mad at the girl. She had destroyed everything, right? But maybe she didn't know that Paul was engaged and she was pregnant now. She had to raise that baby now, all alone. Or was Paul going to play the father of that child? She felt sick to her stomach. Some random girl was getting everything that Lauren ever desired and she probably didn't even want it. That faceless girl was probably scared out of her mind.

She felt the consoling hands of Camila on her back and she heard the brunette mumble something. But her crying masked whatever she was saying. Somehow the both of ended up on the bed, Lauren on top of Camila's chest. She could feel Camila's heart beat, and her chest rose up with every breath. She was now stroking the brunette's hair and sometimes she would stroke her forehead. Lauren's arm lay over Camila's stomach.

'Do you like – um – want to talk about it?'

Camila's mumbled while she kept stroking the girl's hair. Lauren shook her hand slightly no, without really lifting up her head Camila's stomach.

'Can we maybe, just lie here for a little longer?'

'Whatever you want, Lo.'

And so they lay in silence for, what seemed like hours, Lauren in Camila's arms and she fell into a quiet slumber.

Lauren woke up and immediately noticed the lack of the warmth of the other girl. Camila wasn't there anymore.


Lauren tried, but nobody answered. Where was she? And what time is it? Lauren glanced at her phone, it was 6:45, and she had three texts. Two of Paul, one asking where she was, which he sent at 5 o'clock and then one long text:

Lauren, I'm so sorry. I will never be able to apologize for this. I just want you to know that I'm sorry.

She dragged across the message and deleted it. The third text was from Ally.

Hey Lo. How is everything going? Call me?

She should really call Ally sometime. She missed the girl, and frankly she knew the whole situation so at least she would understand. She made a mental note to herself to call her when she felt slightly better. If she would call now, she'd be in tears pretty soon.

She suddenly heard a light knock on the door. Camila entered in the room holding a big plate with what seems to be food.

'Oh, you're up. Have you been awake for long?'

Lauren shook her head.

'Good, I figured that you need to eat something but you didn't seem to want to leave the room, so I brought dinner here.'

Camila beamed at her. That was so sweet of her. She really didn't want to eat something but now she was almost obligated since Camila did all that effort.

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