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Middle East – 1997

Two men were sitting down with their guns down and a cassette player in front of them, one of them putting out his cigarette. Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound and the two gunmen got up in a haste as they saw a big helicopter coming right at the temple they were protecting. Before they grabbed their guns though, they were shot down by the bullets the helicopter sent out.

The helicopter then moved to the temple before shooting rockets at some parts of the temple. In one of the rooms, four men in costumes and wearing gas masks were surrounding a terrorist who was tied up in a chair. One of the men quickly spoke into the radio he had with him.

"This is Zero One Alpha. We have secured Falcon. I say again, we have secured Falcon." There was a slight static before a woman's voice responded.

"Copy that. Interrogate him. We need to know what exactly he's up to." A woman spoke from the other side of the communicator, which happened to be in a surveillance room of some sort. The woman was a red-head, wearing a black pinstriped suit, a black and white tie and black rimmed glasses over her green eyes.

"Roger, Agent Guinevere."

Another man was walking around the terrorist in the chair before he started speaking in a foreign language.

"By the time I count to ten, you will have told me exactly what I need to know. If not, the number ten will be the last thing you will ever hear."

Then he started counting.

"One. Two. Three." He shot the terrorist on both legs as the guy screamed in pain and ducked his head.

"Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight." As he lifted his head up, one of the men noticed a grenade pin in his mouth.

"Grenade! Sir, get back!" With that, he pushed the main interrogator away and jumped on the terrorist. At that moment, the grenade exploded, raising a cloud of sand, and leaving two dead men on the ground. The woman at the surveillance room also jerked back in shock, covering her mouth with her hands as her eyes started tearing up.

The three alive men stood up and walked closer to the two dead men as the main interrogator took his gas mask off.

"Shit." He said. "Fucking missed it. How did I fucking miss it?" He continued in a frustrated manner. He then turned to the others.

"Merlin." As he said that, the guy farthest to him took off his own gas mask. "I apologize for putting you in this position. You've trained him well."

Merlin then took over. "James." The last guy finally took off his mask. "Training is over." James' eyes wandered around the scene for a while. The guy on his right, the main interrogator, approached him and shook his hand.

"Welcome to Kingsman, Lancelot."

"Sir." James replied in a respectful manner. The three men then turned to look over at the two deceased.

"What are we going to do about this?" Merlin asked. The main interrogator sighed.

"I need to speak to Agent Guinevere, face to face." With that, he walked out of the temple, closely followed Merlin and James, and the three got into the helicopter.

Whilst they were in the helicopter, Merlin got around the bar, taking out a bottle of gin.

"Care for a drink, Harry?" The main interrogator, now known as Harry, turned to give them the slightest twitch of a smile.

"I'll have a Martini please." With that, he walked into the changing room before taking off the dusty outfit and putting on a navy blue pinstriped suit, a crisp, white undershirt, navy blue, white and red pinstriped tie and black Oxford shoes, topping it off with black rimmed glasses.

When the helicopter arrived back at Kingsman, Harry quickly went to the balcony. He saw the back view of the woman who Lancelot had referred to as Agent Guinevere. Sighing, he walked out to the balcony. The woman turned around and Harry's eyes widened.

"Irene, were you crying?" He asked. The woman, Irene Grey, sighed and shook her head.

"N-No." She stuttered. "I just went to get some fresh air." Harry sighed and walked over to her, pulling her in his embrace. As soon as she felt his arms wrap around her, Irene started sobbing again, burying her face in his chest. When Harry pulled away, Irene was surprised to see that Harry was crying as well.

"It's all my fault. I'm so sorry Irene. If I had just searched the man properly..." She shut him up by putting her finger against his lips.

"Hey..." She whispered, taking his glasses off and wiping the stray tears that had fallen from his eyes.

"It wasn't your fault Harry. No one saw the grenade. Lee just had a keen eye for those things." She quickly put his glasses back on. He then pulled away before going back to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I will deal with this mess, personally." Irene opened her mouth to say something, but Harry's posture was enough to discourage her. But, she still turned him around before putting a medal in his hand.

"Give this to Michelle, okay? There's a code at the back on the medal. If she gets in any trouble, tell her she can call this number and say..."

"Oxfords not Brogues." Harry finished it off for her and they both smiled at each other before Harry walked out of the balcony.


A little blonde boy around the age of five was sitting down on the floor, playing with a snow globe as Harry and Michelle Unwin sat down on a couch, talking.

"I very much regret that your husband's bravery can't be publicly celebrated. I hope you understand." Harry said.

"How can I understand?" Michelle asked. "Neither you nor my sister, Irene, won't tell me anything. I didn't even know he wasn't with his squad."

"I'm so sorry, I can't say more." Harry said. Michelle nodded in understanding. Harry then took the medal out from his jacket pocket.

"But I would like to present you with this Medal of Valor. And if you look closely on the back, there's a number."

"And as a more concrete gesture of our gratitude, we'd like to offer you..." Harry thought for a small while. "Let's call it a favor. The nature of it is your choice. Just tell the operator 'oxfords not brogues.' and then I'll know it's you." Michelle looked shocked.

"I don't want your help!" She yelled softly as she pushed his hand back. "I want my husband back!" Then she started sobbing.

Deciding to let the woman cool down, Harry got up before walking over to the small boy and crouching down in front of him.

"What's your name, young man?" He asked in a fatherly tone. The young boy looked up with hazel eyes that resembled Irene's a little bit.

"Eggsy." He said.

"Hello, Eggsy. Can I see that?" Harry asked, gesturing to the snow globe in Eggsy's hand. Eggsy handed it over to him and Harry looked over it before smiling at Eggsy.

"You take care of this, Eggsy. All right?" He then gave the medal to Eggsy. Eggsy nodded. Harry then looked over to Michelle who was watching the two of them with tears still running down her face.

"And take care of your mum, too." Eggsy nodded once more. Harry gave a small smile to the boy and put the snow globe on the table before patting Eggsy on the shoulder and excusing himself.

I hope you enjoy this story! Please comment and vote if you do so ^^

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