Chapter 7

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Eggsy honestly thought this day couldn't get worse. He had failed the test, which meant he had to go back to that hell-hole he called home, and he just walked in on his crush cutting herself.

"Chloe..." He approached her but Chloe quickly turned away to wipe her eyes. Eggsy then turned her around by gently grabbing her wrist and pulled her bracelets off. The red scars on her wrists were as clear as the day now. And it hurt him. *WHY DIDN'T I REALIZE ANYTHING?!*

"Was this the reason why you wear so much bracelets or long sleeves?" Eggsy asked, his voice breaking ever so slightly. Chloe sniffled once more before nodding.

"Why?" There it was, the question she hated the most. Sometimes people just wanted an explanation, didn't they?

"Because I'm a failure Eggsy!" She yelled. Eggsy looked at her in shock. "Kingsman was my last chance at a proper lifestyle, rather than just some low-life on the streets. But, like a fucking idiot, I went and blew it! Just because I couldn't shoot my motherfucking dog!" She took a deep breath before continuing.

"I've been dealing with this for as long as I've known myself. I tried numerous ways to cope; smoking, drinking, drugs, I think I had used every kind of drug by the time I was 14, self-harm... I even attempted suicide once but I was resurrected at the last minute..." But, after she told this to him, a small flick of realization went through her mind. *He won't understand anyway, nobody does...*

"I don't know why I told you this, even when I know you wouldn't understand." She scoffed, ducking her head as more tears flowed. But, she suddenly felt a hand go under her chin, gently lifting her face up. Her light green eyes met Eggsy's hazel eyes.

"Who says I don't understand?" Eggsy said as he gently wiped her tears with his fingers. "I completely do. I went through something similar as well." Chloe stared at him, confused. Eggsy sighed and began explaining.

"I think Auntie Irene told you the story of my father." Chloe nodded. "8 years after that incident, my mom got remarried to this pleb named Dean. He drank and smoked a lot; and would hit my mom and me if he was too drunk. Later on, he started beating us when he was sober too. I started to use drugs, learned to keep my emotions in and to keep my mouth shut. The day I was recruited, Harry bailed me out of prison and we went to this pub, where Dean's poodles surrounded us. Harry beat them up and when I went back home, Dean beat me up again." Chloe looked away. She was shocked, to say the least. Sure, she had noticed the slight redness on Eggsy's cheek and the bruises on his back while he was getting dressed, but she never knew he was being abused. Now that he had also failed the test (which was why she assumed he was in the barracks too), he was going back to that bastard's place.

In a way, he understood her. And that was what shocked Chloe the most, since she never met anyone who understood her in that way, really. When she raised her ling of sight back at him again though, she saw Eggsy looking at her with tear-filled eyes.

"I understand you Chloe." His arms wrapped themselves around her, pulling her close. "And I'll always be here for you. Just, please don't do this ever again."

*Did he really just say that?* Chloe thought as a wave of protectiveness washed over her. She felt safe in his embrace, for some reason. They stayed in that position for a while before a small ringing sound was heard. Cursing, Chloe reached for her pocket and pulled out her phone.

From: Uncle Jack
Everything is set. See you at the airport

*Oh shit. I completely forgot.* With that, she pulled away from Eggsy and picked up her bag.

"Where are you going?" Eggsy asked. Chloe gave him a sad smile.

"Home. Goodbye Eggsy, I wish you all the best." Kissing him on the cheek, she left, Axe following her all the way.

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