Chapter 9

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Hey everybody, sorry for taking so long! Hope you enjoy this particularly long chapter ^^

Merlin put the phone down and turned to Roxy.

"It's okay Lancelot." He said. "Put it down." Roxy glanced at Merlin, keeping her gun pointed at Eggsy.

"He checks out." With that, Eggsy put his hands down and Roxy put her gun down.

"Arthur's phone is receiving update texts about getting to safety." Harry said. "We don't have much time."

"What are you gonna do?" Eggsy asked. Merlin gave him a look. "Question is, what are we going to do? God knows who's in Valentine's pocket and who's not. We have no choice. We are gonna have to deal with this ourselves." Eggsy and Roxy gave each other looks.

"Follow me." With that, Merlin started walking away and Eggsy and Roxy followed them. Harry had stated he would be checking in on them through the live feed in his laptop. He still wasn't ready to face Valentine after what had happened with Irene. But Eggsy had promised him he'd avenge Irene, so he was content with that.

*I'm sorry Irene.* He thought as he got into the cab that would take him home. *I'm so sorry.*

With Eggsy, Roxy and Merlin

The three got into the jet and the jet took off. Turns out its hangar was beneath the garden the manor overlooked. In the jet, Eggsy took out a yellow, joystick like object from the big, black bag that was opened in front of him.

"What the fuck is this?" He asked. Roxy shrugged. "I have no idea." Then, Merlin and Harry walked in.

"What you're playing with is a prototype personal transatmospheric vehicle." Merlin said as he sat down. "It was developed as part of Reagan's Star Wars project. It's pretty basic, but it should still work." Then, Harry began talking through the intercom.

"We're gonna take out one of Valentine's satellites. We're gonna break the chain, stop the signal." Both Eggsy and Roxy looked satisfied. "It'll take him a couple of hours to reroute it which buys us enough time for you to get Merlin into Valentine's mainframe so he can shut it down. I'll be watching you through the live feed here and will give you pointers." Merlin turned to Roxy. "Lancelot, you're going to be using it. Get into your halo suit." Roxy nodded, albeit a bit nervous.

Valentine's HQ

A blue plane arrived at the coordinates that Valentine had sent out. It was the Swedish Air Force plane, and the Swedish Prime Minister was seated in it.

"Swedish Prime Minister, requesting permission to land." The pilot said. On the ground, there were a bunch of guards yielding a bunch of weapons, and they all aimed them at the plane in case if something went wrong.

"Permission granted." With that command, they all put their weapons down.

In the hangar, there was a woman and two armed guards. The Prime Minister handed his phone to the woman.

"Please." The woman took it with a smile. "Thank you."

Valentine and Gazelle, on the other hand, were watching everything through the biometric security Valentine had installed on his table.

"How many more are we expecting?" Valentine asked.

"Not many." Gazelle shrugged. "Most have their own bunkers. I figure we're just getting the really nervous ones." Meanwhile, from the camera, the woman was shaking hands with the Prime Minister.

"Welcome Prime Minister."

Back at the jet

Eggsy and Merlin were seated and Roxy was getting ready. Merlin held a magnifying glass over the implant Eggsy had taken from Chester and was poking it with a pair of tweezers.

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