Chapter Seven

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Mackenzie's POV

The bell rang signaling school was over. I rushed out of my last class and met up with Maddie and her friends by my locker.

"Hey, you seem excited. What's up?" Kendall asks.

"No reason," I lye.

Big reason actually. Really, really, really big reason. Brandon asked me on a date next Saturday and I'm so excited. Like, I've dreamed of this for over a year. Now it's happened and I am so excited.

"Bullshit," Maddie calls out. "Somethings up, now spill."

I laughed as I closed my locker and started to walk. All of them now gathered by my side, staring at me. Intrigued about what I'm going to say.

"You have to promise you won't freak out on me," I say.

They nodded, "we promise."

I nod and take a deep breath smiling. "Brandon Rowland asked me out on a date next Saturday," I admit.

They gasped. "No way? Like Brandon Rowland captain of the baseball team?" Kalani asks.

I nodded smiling. "Yup, I'm not sure where we're going yet, but I'm really excited."

"That's awesome Kenzie, I'm so happy for you," Maddie said hugging me.

I smiled and hugged her back. Then breaking the hug a second later.

We walked together to the cars and separate when we reach them. Inside Maddie's car this time is Maddie, Kendall, Chloe and I.

"So, Kenzie, is this your first date?" Chloe asked.

I nodded, turning back towards her.

"Ya this is my first date. But, I'm excited for it, I really like him," I admit.

"How come I didn't know about this?" Maddie asks, pretending to be hurt.

"I didn't want you to be weird about it."

She laughs and flicks my head. "That's what you get for not telling me," she said.

I laughed rubbing my head. It did hurt a little bit though.

Maddie minutes later, pulled up our driveway and parked the car. Moments later Kalani did the same. Parking behind Maddie.

We all got out and rushed over to the front door, where we gathered together huddling waiting for Maddie to open it.

When she finally did, we run to the kitchen. All having the same thing on our minds. Cookies and hot chocolate.

"Here, I'll get the water going, you guys get the mugs and stuff ready," Maddie said.

We nodded and like an assembly line, we got everything together. When it was all said and done, we were curled up on the couch with blankets watching Christmas movies until we had to leave for the game.


The crowd was screaming as our team skated out onto the ice. Our team skated around in the blue and gold uniforms, music was blasting and lights were projected onto the ice.

"There's Jack!" Maddie squealed happily.

I look and see his number (34) with his last name on the back.

I scanned the the team and see number 62, Brandon's number and smiled weakly. He looks up and sees me. He waved at me and blew me a kiss. Which killed me a bit on the inside.

"Someone's getting some loving," Nia teased.

The girls laughed and started poking me.

"Hey he's cute!" I defended.

They laughed and we watched as the game had started. Our team had the puck. The boys skated around, some slammed into the boards, others slammed the their team into the boards. It was great to watch.

Unlike most people, I like watching hockey. It's fun to watch and plus, some of the guys (Brandon) are actually really hot.

The sound of the siren goes off when the puck hits the net. Scoring a point for our team.


Everyone clapped and chanted as the began to reset formation and start again.


The game went in for another two hours after the first point was scored. We ended up winning the game 5-3.

Yes I know, only 5 points in two hours? I mean it's hockey, not football.

We all go down to the ice to meet up with everyone. I held onto Maddie tightly, not wanting to slip on the ice in front of Brandon.

"Hey doll face."

I turn around and roll my eyes seeing Johnny smiling.

"Yes screw boy?" I question.

He laughs, "ah nothing. I hope you enjoyed watching me play."

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't in fact," I say sassily.

He looks at me and grins, "got to go doll face, you might want to turn around," he said skating off.

I look behind me and see Brandon skating over. I smiled and hugged him when he stopped.

"Hey, you did so good," I smiled.

"Thanks, I mean, I think you're my good luck charm so, I couldn't have done it without you," Brandon said.

I blushed and giggled.

"I don't think so, you're so talented," I compliment.

"I'm serious beautiful. So I was thinking, Saturday, you and I go ice skating?" Brandon suggested.

I nod smiling, "sounds great, I can't wait."

He smiled at me and kissed my cheek, "I can't wait beautiful. I have to go but, I'll text you. Okay?"

I nodded.

"I'll FaceTime you later bye beautiful," he said, kissing my cheek once more.

I smiled and looked over at the girls, and walked over to them happily.

"What'd he say?" Ruby asked.

"We're going ice skating Saturday."

They gave me a questioning look.

"Mack, you can't ice skate," Maddie said. "You went ice skating last when you were eight."

My eyes widened. Shit, she's right.

I need to get better in a week.

Here's the update.

I've had a long crappy day. Thank god it's over. Honestly, I'm done fighting, I'm done with people, I'm done defending myself and others, I'm done with life.

It doesn't matter to me anymore. My life needs to end at this point. I've taken too many L's to even fucking continue.

No explanation needed, or needs to be given other than that. I'm tired I'm going to bed.

Hope you liked the chapter.

Bye loves xoxo

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