Chapter Seventeen

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Johnny's POV

"You nervous for tonight?" I ask Mackenzie.

We had a quick rehearsal today. Just before she has to start getting ready for her date.

She looks up and shakes her head no.

"I'm not too nervous," she says.

It's a little awkward between us after our little kiss yesterday. It was different. I'll admit that, it wasn't like any other girl I kissed in the past. This was special.

We didn't and well... haven't talked about it. After the kiss, we stood there awkwardly for a minute then we said our good nights and she went inside and I went to the car. That was it.

I know she hasn't said anything to her friends because if she did I'd be hearing it from Lauren right now. Probably being screamed at or something. I haven't said anything either, I don't want Brandon to be mad at me. I mean he's one of my closest friends. I just don't think he should be with Mackenzie. Especially if this is how he's going to be if he doesn't get what he wants. That's so uncalled for.

"What are you going to wear?" I ask, just to have some sort of conversation.

She smiled weakly and got up. Walking to her closet, she opens it up and pulls out two dresses. One blue, and a red one. The red one looked more tight and form fitting than the blue one did.

"I'm in between these two dresses," she tells me.

She places each in front of her body. Showing me what both would look like on her. Honestly, I was attracted to the red one.

"I think the red one."

She smiled at me and nods.

"I was thinking the same thing. Thank you screw boy," she teased.

I laugh and stand up, approaching her.

"No problem doll face. I have to go, I'll see you later. I'm assuming you're going to come over after your date or something?"

She nods and gives a small smile.

"Ya probably. We'll see, thank you for coming over and practicing. Also for helping me, I'll see you," she answers.

I nod and go for a hug. So does she. As we broke from the hug, she pecks my cheek and smiled weakly.

I wave goodbye and leave her room. Making my way downstairs and go to reach the front door.


I turn around and see Maddie standing in the archway. I approach her and and give her a shy smile.

"Ya what's up?" I ask.

"Thank you for getting Mackenzie the carousel. It was really important to her and it really means a lot that you replaced it," Maddie says. "And thank you for warning her about Brandon tonight."

"Well, I couldn't not tell her. I mean I already messed up when I broke her carousel. I didn't want to mess up even more and not speak up when something's wrong," I explain.

"That's nice of you John. Thank you for looking out for her," Maddie smiled. "Also, I heard you two kissed last night. How was it?"

I bit my lip for a moment. Should I tell her? I mean it's just Mackenzie's sister, I don't think she'd say anything without Mackenzie's permission.

"It was actually really good."

She smiled at me. "Between you and me, I think you two would be really cute together. Like I can really see it," she whispers.

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