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For centuries, Demons and Angels have been at war with one another. Countless battles, countless blood shed. This was a never ending cycle. Many have died during the ending battles. Whether it be Demons or Angels.

This continued until decades to come. Until, the decision of a Treaty was made by the Demon King and Angel King.


"Are you certain this will work, my Lord?" A demon servant asked the Demon King, who was sitting in his throne room. He was waiting the arrival of the Angelic King to arrive.

"It has to work. There is no other way, Jackson. It has to be done. I grow tired of the pointless battles." The Demon King lifted a hand to lightly pinch the bridge of his nose. "If this does not work, then we shall forever bare the burden of countless wars to come."

"I understand perfectly, my Lord. However, are you really certain you wish to end the wars with this specific Treaty?"

"I know it is risky, but there is no other way. The Angel King agreed this is possibly the only way to put an end to all of this."

Jackson was rather skeptical and worried about this. He knew better than to question his Lord, but something about this troubled him greatly. He was worried this would not end according to the two Kings' plan. Before the demon was given an opportunity to speak, the large doors of the throne room opened. Another demon stepped inside with the Angel King right behind him.

"My Lord, the Angel King has arrived." The demon bowed before his king before stepping aside for the other king to step forth.

"Thank you, Gunwoo. You are dismissed." The Demon King lightly waved off Gunwoo, watching the demon leave the throne room. Once the doors closed, his tired eyes shifted over to the angelic being before him. "I thank you for coming Heechul. I do apologize for asking you to travel all the way down here. I trust my demons behaved upon your arrival."

"No need to apologize, Jeongsu. Although, I have to admit, quite a few of your demons are rather...touchy." A small frown made its way on to the angel's beautiful face.

"Ah, I see. I apologize. I shall make sure they won't trouble you in the future." Jeongsu slowly rose from his throne, and slowly made his way over to Heechul. "Shall we discuss the matter of the Treaty in my study? I assure you it is must more comfortable there."

"That sounds lovely. Do lead the way." Heechul gave a small bow of his head to the Demon King.

The corners of Jeongsu's lips twitched slightly. Turning on his heel, the demon lead the angel out of the throne room, and down the hallway towards his study. He noticed once he and Heechul had stepped into the hallway, his fellow demons immediately turned their gazes to the angelic being beside him. They were most likely drawn to Heechul's aura.

Heechul scrunched up his nose when he had taken noticed of the unwanted attention he was receiving from the demons. Keeping his head up high, the Angel King boldly stepped closer to Jeongsu. If there was anyone who could possibly keep him safe here, it was most definitely the other king. Although, Heechul had high hopes of his capable abilities to fight off any demon who dares to approach him.

While hiding the tiny smirk that seemed to be making its way onto Jeongsu's face, the two reached the door leading to the study. Opening the door, the demon allowed the angel to step inside first. Once Heechul was inside the study, Jeongsu followed suit and shut the door behind him. "Now, shall we discuss the details of the Treaty."

"Ah, yes. Much like we've agreed, when our sons both reached the rightful ages, they shall be married. Thus forth uniting demons and angels together." Heechul said, sitting down in a nearby chair.

"Correct. And once our sons have been wedded, Heaven and Hell shall come to a truce. Thus ending the constant wars that has plagued us since the beginning of time." Jeongsu stepped over to his desk, taking a seat. "Simple enough, no?"

"Yes, it is quite simple. However, I have some concerns." Heechul folded his arms across his chest, a stern expression on his pretty face. "Let us say our sons do not get along. What shall happen then?"

A heavy sigh escaped Jeongsu's lips as the demon pinched the bridge of his nose. "If that were to happen, then this Treaty will crumble and lead us to ruin. The wars will resume again, throwing us into its endless cycle once more."

Heechul pressed his lips into a tight line, his gaze lowering for a moment. "If that is the case, then we need this to work. If not, it would be a utter waste of both our times." Standing from his seat, the Angel stepped over to the desk. "If there is no objections, then this Treaty has been decided."

Jeongsu kept his eyes on Heechul the entire time he had been speaking. He knew the other king was right. This had to work. It needed to work. Pulling out a document from one of the many drawers of his desk, the demon handed it to Heechul. "This shall be the official document of the Treaty. It shall be signed by the two of us. Once it is signed, it shall be finalized."

"Unless something unfortunate occurs that could jeopardize it." Heechul finished. Picking up a pen from the desk, the Angel King signed his name on the document. "Done."

Jeongsu slowly took the document from Heechul's delicate hand, and signed his own name as well. "Done. The Treaty has been finalized. When the day arrives, our sons shall be wedded and bring peace to Demons and Angels." Jeongsu held out his hand to Heechul.

Heechul knew there was no turning back. He was deciding the future of his unborn son without even thinking of the ending result. He just wanted all this pointless fighting to end. Reaching out his hand, he held Jeongsu's hand. "I shall anticipate that day. Until then, do take care. Park Jeongsu.

"Likewise. Kim Heechul."

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