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Jimin bit his lower lip, his red eyes never leaving Namjoon's perfect little ass. The demon prince was frozen in place, not wanting to move and alert Namjoon with his presence. Instead, he remained by the door looking at the delicate angel's butt. Ever so slowly, Jimin closed the door behind him as quietly as he could. Once the door was closed, the demon pressed his back against it. While watching Namjoon, Jimin had caught the faint sound of the angel humming softly to himself. Then tune sounded sweet and cheery, definitely something that matched the angel.

Namjoon hadn't came to realize Jimin was in the room with him. He was too preoccupied with fixing the demon's bed to even notice. When he had entered Jimin's bedroom earlier, he had noticed how messy the demon prince was. There had been clothes scattered around on the floor along with food wrappers. Wanting to do the other prince a favor, Namjoon had began tidying up. It was something the angel enjoyed doing. After having cleaned up the clothes, Namjoon had decided to fix up Jimin's bed. While doing so, he had caught the strong, masculine scent of his soon-to-be husband. And, Namjoon would be lying if he said he didn't like it.

There was something about the scent of a masculine man that excited Namjoon. Of course, being a pure creature, Namjoon didn't allow himself to dwell to far into it. Especially since it was the scent of a demon man. The silver haired angel hummed softly as he fixed and straightened out Jimin's now made bed. Being lost in his soft tune, Namjoon began wiggling his butt a little.

This was slowly beginning to effect Jimin. Especially when Namjoon had began wiggling his butt a little. Damn it. Why did he have to go and do that? Glancing down, the black haired demon noticed he was getting rather turned on due to the growing bulge in his black pants. This was insane. How the hell was it even possible for Jimin to be feeling this way over a angel? Groaning quietly to himself, Jimin began following his instinct and slowly made his way over to the bent over angel. Without thinking twice, Jimin grabbed Namjoon's slender hips and pressed his bulge against his ass. A smirk formed in his plump lips when he heard Namjoon gasp.

Having been so lost in his mind, Namjoon didn't realized Jimin had been inside of the bedroom. It's not until he feels strong hands gripping his waist and something rather hard and big against his butt. The angel froze in his place, not knowing what to do beside gasp. A violent shiver ran down his spine once he felt Jimin's hot breath against his ear.

"What are you doing, little angel?" Jimin whispered, his voice husky and low. The demon slipped his fingers underneath Namjoon's shirt and touched the soft skin. All the while keeping his hard bulge pressed against Namjoon's perfect little ass.

Namjoon gulped quietly, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. What was Jimin doing? They shouldn't be doing anything inappropriate until they were married. At least, that's what Namjoon was hoping. The angel licked his lips shakily before answering the demon's question. "I-I was just fixing your b-bed."

Jimin perked an eyebrow at Namjoon's response. The two of them weren't married just yet, and here was Namjoon already fixing Jimin's bed. Certainly wife material. "Hmm, I see. Well, thank you. Such a good little angel." Jimin pressed his clothed arousal a little tighter against Namjoon's butt, smirking widely when the angel whimpered softly. The perverse demon began moving his hips a tittle to rub his crotch against the other prince's butt. That earned him another cute whimper

Namjoon's face began heating up with a deep blush. This couldn't be happening right now. This definitely shouldn't be happening right now. He couldn't allow himself to be tainted so soon without even being married to Jimin first. Reaching out his delicate hands, Namjoon gripped onto the bedsheets and pulled him himself away from Jimin. It was a little difficult due to his soon-to-be husband's hold on his hips, but the angel had managed to move away from the demon. "W-We shouldn't avoid t-things like that. U-Until we are married."

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