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Upon arriving at a small café in town, Jimin couldn't help but feel a little out of place. Okay, let's rephrase that. A lot out of place. This was a holy ground. A place for pure, untainted creatures. Surely it was no place for a demon. So, he wasn't surprised when the angels suddenly gasped and tensed up at his presence. Not liking the attention he was being given at the moment, the demon prince clenched his jaw. He would have quickly turned to leave. However, he didn't. Or more like, he couldn't. Not with the way Namjoon was holding onto his arm. Jimin sighed heavily, averting his eyes towards the ground once he heard the soft whispers in his ear.

Namjoon knew Jimin felt out of place here. He knew that very well. That's exactly how he felt when he was in Hell. Of course, he was fortunate enough to have stayed in the Palace. Not having left royal grounds to look around the corrupted kingdom. So, he understood Jimin's discomfort. Holding onto his fiancée's arm, the delicate angel leaned in to whisper softly into the other prince's ear. "Everything is going to be alright. Relax. I am here with you. There is nothing to worry about." He hoped his small comforting words would be enough to ease his fiancée's worries.

A soft sigh escaped Jimin's plump lips. He was grateful for Namjoon's words. They seem to have calmed his nerves. Even if it was only a little bit. He lifted his gaze from the ground to stare at the beautiful angel beside him. Nodding once, the demonic prince cracked the tiniest of smiles. "Thanks." He muttered silently for only Namjoon to hear.

A adorable dimpled smile made it's way onto Namjoon's face. Giving a rather enthusiastic nod, the angel found himself laying his head against Jimin's shoulder. Immediately, he heard the quiet gasps and whispers coming from the other angels. Surely, they have not been made aware of the betrothal between the two princes.

"Hey, lovebirds. Come on. Let's take a seat." Taehyung's voice called out to them. The younger prince's voice was laced with amusement.

Jimin chuckled amusingly before motioning his head over to the two angels. "Come on. Before your brother and his lover become impatient." Something fluttered inside of Jimin's chest when Namjoon had giggled. God, why did that simple sound had an affect on him? Rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, Jimin made his way over to the table Taehyung and Seokjin were waiting.

Namjoon felt a odd warmth spreading throughout his body. He was really beginning to enjoy Jimin's company. Never would he had expected that. But, it made him...happy. It showed him the possibility of the two of them getting along. And that was something Namjoon really wanted. Even if he and Jimin didn't developed feelings towards one another, the least they could do is get along. Namjoon took a seat beside Jimin at the booth, and didn't seem to noticed he was still clinging onto the masculine prince's arm.

Taehyung flickered his gaze over to his brother and Jimin. A tiny smirked appeared on his face once he saw saw Namjoon was holding onto Jimin's arm. It made him rather pleased to be honest. Interlacing his arm with Seokjin's, Taehyung looked down at the menu. "Get anything you guys want. It's on me."

Namjoon's eyes widened slightly at his brother's words. There was no way he could allow his little brother to pay for his and Jimin's food. "You don't have to do that, Taehyung. Jimin and I can handle our own bill."

"But, it is quite alright. We don't mind paying for the two of you." Seokjin smiled at the couple.

Jimin and Namjoon shared a look, the demon prince lightly shrugging his shoulders. "He's your brother, Namjoon. You decide." Jimin chuckled a little when the angel prince lightly slapped his arm.

Namjoon sighed softly then looked over at Taehyung and Seokjin. "Very well. You two may pay for our food, but just this once." The Angel prince wasn't too fond of having his younger brother paying for him.

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